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Bio D

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Status Updates posted by Bio D

  1. YAY Nhilus!


    (Death the Kid > You)

  2. Yes, you too.

    I'm hugging everyone.


  3. Yes, your hatred of the Soldier and Demoman has been well documented.

  4. You know, for all the effort you spend trying to convince others you are not a girl, you seem to be pretty effective in proving just that.

  5. You still have yet to tell us about the Tau with Powerfist miracle.

    I am intrigued.

  6. You think your sister has it tough. it took me TWO MONTHS untill I could post...

    *Gets elbowed in the ribs*

    Uhm... don't worry Anna, your sister'll get to post soon :S

  7. You're Pic is pure, concentrated win.

  8. You're the real one right?


    NOW GO CHECK THE BKR discussion TOPIC!

  10. Your coyness fills me with burning curiosity!

  11. Your sig fills me with "d'awww".

  12. Your sig is heartwarming, heartwrenching, and AWESOME at the same time.

    Bravo good sir.

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