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Everything posted by Meraceire

  1. Meraceire

    New Stuff!

    I now have awesome brushes in photoshop and recoloring sprites gets to be super easy cuz of GIMP. =D So... *snore*
  2. Hey you made me change something no one does that to me *changes*
  3. Meraceire


    Exo Toa Awareness Society! (ETAS) They need love...
  4. oh the noes! =(( *removes from favorites* j/k i hoap u get premer member agan soon
  5. omg u haz a birfdai???

    i give u caek

    but unfortunately the cake is a lieee

  6. *squints* I can't see it. All I see is blue/red text. =) And the header makes it look like I'm moving. >=(
  7. Yay! And new stuffs too... ...I should've added "shooping" to that title... >.<
  8. Meraceire


    They are all dead... ...BECAUSE THEY NEVER GIVE ME APPROVALS *points*
  9. Meraceire

    I Draw People

    ppl bow doun 2 u?? Of course, you don't have to be famous and egotistical do be drawn.. You just need to be somewhat known... Like Nuju Metru is known around the GA forum... ...Comment here NM just cuz I mentioned you! =DD
  10. NINJO IS the KINGS AT the SOCK FACTOREEEEE srry i culdnt resist
  11. Meraceire


    No entries for roughly a month, I have no idea what's wrong with me. And I have to post more -- I wonder what's gonna happen to the poor Exo Armored Toa! <=(
  12. Also hai Freezo

    Nothing much, just getting around to the end of RZ Inika...


  14. OBZPC means Outstanding Bzpower Citizen, whereas POBZPC means he's a Premier Outstanding Bzpower Citizen. =D
  15. So if your somewhat famous, or if you're a friend, you can ask for a SMPBZP (Selected Member Portraits Bionicle Zone Power) through PM, but I only taka guys who have a good persnoality and of course an ego! So in short, people a bit like me. -Mera
  16. Meraceire


    Strange that I have more entries on life than on bionicle on a bionicle website, huh? =P I'm really overworked... Classes, every single day of the week. And then MORE work during the weekend. The school season is in full swing.
  17. Meraceire


    Hey! Someone commented... ...In my presence...
  18. oh well, now I cant even have a nice sig and av without somehow violating the rules

    this is so overrated

  19. As you notice. I am not linking to any site in any way. BZP's ad guidelines only say do NOT LINK, if I made a banner that said "Lego Forums" or any other friendly forum, without linking, would that be against guidelines? No.

  20. Meraceire


    Rollercoasters hurt. A lot. Ow, my aching baaaaack...
  21. Meraceire

    Lol Takanuva

    oh the noes the word filter got meh =(
  22. yay mata nuis awake but wahhhhh takanuva is a toa of light again it is not good at all it really is very baaaaad i liked takanuva when he was multicolored ur thoughts on the matter
  23. Meraceire


    Music. Nice stuff isn't it? I'm going for Music lessons, they're a bit simple, but I can get along nicely. =P That's memorize some notes!
  24. Ooh, how quaint. ^.^ * adds approvals *
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