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Everything posted by Meraceire

  1. Meraceire

    Animation Test

    Exuse me while I intercept: 1. Scripts can be written way in advance of a film -- a film can be made just based on a script, actually, that usually happens anyway. 2. For movies happening next year, they also have only season dates, for instance maybe Summer or Fall 2009.
  2. Yes, it would help if all your limbs were missing. =(

    Then I would get SYMPATHY

    *fetches chainsaw*

  3. Fitting name, Omi. =D

  4. Oh go on you know you want to. Banners and avatars galore for you and the family. Don't sue. =P - Merri™
  5. PROBABLY an entry every day. New drawing up, everyone. =D Here. - Merri™
  6. Meraceire

    Blog Leave

    I've been away for four days at the cottage, and also doing things that are more worthwhile. I'll probably be updated from now onwards, every day. So, have you been gone for a long time from your blog (if applicable). =P - Merri™
  7. Are they? =O Well, almost all computers can SEE them... ´ˇ†ƒ©˙˙ÓÔÒ˜ÎÓ¯˘ÓÓÓˆ¥˙©©ÔÔÔÔ˝ÏˇÁ¨¨¨Ó◊ıÂÂÔÔ˝ÏÎÎÚÒÒÒÒÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÆ ÆÆÆ—°‡fi‹€‹›fifl‡°·‚·°‡flfi›‹€‹›fifl‡°·‚·°‡flfi‹€‹›fifl‡°·—∏Ú˘Â¨Ô˜Î Ï˝ˆ¸˛Ç◊ı´∂ƒ©µ∑∂ƒ©˙∆≈ç©˙∆ƒ©˙®©∫˜´ƒ©∫ÎÏ˝‰ÏÔ؈ÔÓÏ◊¸ÏÔÒÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÚÆ Œ„´‰ˇÁ¨ˆØ∏”’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ - Merri™
  8. And I've become a trademark! How considerate of me to join the fad... Although, it seems rather annoying whn you keep thinking that you're a company, not a person... - Merri™
  9. Meraceire

    Only 90 Left!

    happy comment day - Merri™
  10. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear *insert real name here*, Happy Birthday to youuuu Present-ing: It's nothing much, but still... NOO - Merri™
  11. Meraceire

    Birfday D:

    I givez drawing soon!
  12. Drink Crush Cream Soda! =D I actually poured some into a cup, waited for thirty minutes, and when I emptied the cup into the bottle again... THE CUP WAS TINGED PINK WITH FUNGI ON IT Not as bad as that, but still -- had to spend fifteen minutes washing the cup. XD So as my personal advice, I say -- Say no to soft drinks...! ...Except Dew and Dr. Pepper.
  13. My newest MOC: SilverScar -- You say big image, I say big image...
  14. Meraceire


  15. Meraceire


    The only publicity I get is from you... I WUB U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
  16. Meraceire


    Does no one come visit me? I'm so lonely over here in my blog... Locked up in the damp inactiveness that is the 10th page... *shivers*
  17. Alright, that's what happened to the sabertooth tiger...
  18. I never had braces... BUT I SUPPOSE THAT'S CUZ I'M 10 MUAHAHA
  19. Thats odd... I had the same craving yesterday... =O
  20. Meraceire


    Is back online! =D With the usage of transparent spritesheets, comicmaking has become much, much easier. Remember -- If you want to guest star, get MSN, and transfer your spritesheet in transparent form -- png. or psd. format! My life is good -- we just reopened our cottage. It's great up here... Though infested with ladybugs and cockroaches. I'll win the war against them someday...
  21. Meraceire


    Singing lessons are going great. I also got a package of 1500 Bionicle bits in the mail. =D AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *glass breaks*
  22. Meraceire

    Down Time

    My computer and I have had issues () so I was away for a month while I was getting it fixed. Things have been going well in camp Merri so far, but I'm not as excited as I was about my comic series -- maybe I'll getit back up when I have a huge series of comics premade. =P
  23. Not getting much publicity for this... Oh well.
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