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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. *smacks you on the head with a full bag of candy*

    Suck on that, trickortreater.



  2. Dorek

    Yellow. The color of bananas.

    I no like bananas >=(

  3. You has a funny name.

  4. Dorek

    Dude I just read a textbook while eating dinner. What's wrong with me?

  5. Dorek

    I got WLM 2011 but that shouldn't have blocked you...

  6. I can ride my bike with no handlebars ~

  7. Clear out yo inbox foo :P How many of each part do you have, and how much for all of it?

  8. Heh heh, nothin my man. Just a little game me and Nickbomb play.

  9. Please Mista Dee Jay

  10. Dorek

    Yeh, we saw one of those in a supermarket, but it was our last day there, so we decided to take a look when we go back.

  11. Chrome... rhymes with FOAM!

  12. And then Kojol died. And everybody was happy. The end.

  13. Dorek

    Get me ma full review lazy =P

  14. =D. Good, another fan. We need an SOAD leigion here.

  15. You changed your name.


  16. YUS. YUS IT IS.


  18. I knooooow. Flyleaf is so amazing.

  19. Oh, now I have to XP. I think my friend has it, mebbe I'll punk it off him.

  20. On yo compooter. Looking on da interwebs.

  21. XD


  22. See, the thing is, I did. I will win, always and forever. Get used to it.

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