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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. I knooooow. Flyleaf is so amazing.

  2. I know you do XD.

    I've never listened to them, so I'm not sure. Any particular song recommendations, or do I have to do it myself?

  3. I KNOW! =D

  4. I love you for that ;_;

  5. I luvs you for the new decree ;.;

  6. I only just got what you meant by "inhaler". I work Tuesdays, so I don't get a chance to watch LOST until the next day.

    But yeah, it's The Guy. Disturbed

  7. I pshawed yer mom.

    But yeh, find it, and read it. It's an amazing book, I need to read the sequels.[

  8. I saws yer eponymous MoC at Brickcon. I took some pics too.

  9. Dorek

    I should probably change up the picture itself, but I can't bring myself to get rid of the theme.

  10. I want toooooooooooo. At least I made it to the next round, which is nice.

  11. I was actually about to mention that, yeh, I did. You should get em soon. Provided the USPS doesn't hate you like it hates me.

  12. I was hoping somebody would say "Noes, they be stealin ma Doreks" but noooo, nobody cares about me that much...

  13. I was tempted to say the queen, but that would seem -too- british. Even for me.

    And true, true. I just voiced ma opinion. On this funky little comment box things.

    Powa 2 da peeplz!

  14. I was working until late, so I missed it ;_;

    Gonna see it this evening (tivo ftw!) with ladyfriend.

  15. I wasn't aware we were training anybody.

  16. I wasn't aware we were training anybody.

  17. I wish, that didn't come here, unfortunately. One was Mayhem Fest back in Summer 08, the other was about a year ago, in the winter time.

  18. I would, but my current banner is soooo much sexier.

  19. I would... had I not spent my money on Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osbourne tickets ^^;

  20. Dorek

    I'd like to punch Dr. Phil in the face.

    so yeah, sounds good :3

  21. Dorek

    I'm always online, foo.

  22. Dorek

    I'm still the sexy orange =D.

  23. Dorek



    Flush you.

    XD. Just kidding. I'll do something else...

  24. Imaginary numbers>infinity.

    Therefore I win.

  25. Indeed I have. I'm extremely rabid about bands that I like, and follow everything that I can.

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