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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. If he hates BZP and wants to be banned, I think it probably is him really

  2. *Shoves Munki near Alice to see what happens*

  3. *Points large cannon at Niy*

    Give it back, foo'

  4. And the great thing is that absolutely no-one has done it before in the history of t'internet ^^

  5. I don't know

    Could you repeat the question?


  6. "It's from the arms factory and Vilengard. Ever been there."


    "Well it's gone now. Main reactor went critical, whole place went down."

    "Like I said, once. There's a banana grove there now. I like bananas. Bananas are good."


  7. Doctor Who -and- Torchwood, I think you'll find Xaeraz.

    Now watch those Episodes darn it!

  8. In return for your white, you get more Power. None of that low-grade 1s stuff either

  9. Tch, someone didn't watch that epsiode closely enough ^^

  10. *Steal shotgun, gives it to Hak as evidence*

    Does I get reward nows?

  11. I'd unplug the blender for you Xaeraz but I'm in the middle of my broiling session



  13. *Hold congratulatory party for your saving of Dokuma's life*

  14. Not even with a black-hole sized mecha?

  15. You're copying you, just like me and TPt1 did. Therefore you are technically also copying us two. But seeing as none of us thought to put coyright on it, no-one gains anything :(

  16. How much more entertaining would hunting bears be, if the bears were given guns to fight back with...

    I'm suddenly reminded of Looney Tunes...

  17. How ironic. I gave him the napalm, sorry, -ointment- in the hope that it would stop him being stomped, but it only made things worse...

  18. *Vamooses strange comments*

    Yes, I include my own in that statement Sets

  19. What you fail to realise Sets is that all the predatorial dinos come from the Creataceous...T-rex, Raptors, they're all Cretaceous era...

    I doubt my name will ever change, and I'm quite fond of my sig as it is

  20. ...so who's Doom song is better? Munki's or Xaeraz's?

    There's only one way to find out! FIGHT!

  21. Weeellllll...

    *looks guiltily at the 'tank-o-pult' stashed in the corner*

  22. Not a big fan of blood, actually...

  23. In that case, as Nothing comes under the category of 'all', pandas also own nothing

  24. Will Cale, Wat Tyler. Those two are real.

    Captain Swing probably isn't and was most likely a made up figure-head

  25. Nubian? Isn't that already a language?

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