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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. *Warps reality to bring necro back, just so his name can be ironic*

    Hey, I never specified WHAT Power I am...

  2. *Warps reality to give Nihy green hair and a mesed up face*

    You'll thank me for it later. Probably

  3. >


    "it's "Gee pal, if I could say a few words"

    Well now you're dead, so shaddup!"

  4. He's the Miche-tin Man :P

  5. 1st and only time living there :P

    I've only been abroad on holidays, and then only for about week each time

  6. A -little- ego trip? Underestimation, much?

  7. A Cyclopus interesting...

    Do you still have three hearts?

  8. A Dalek (no prizes for guessing -that-)

    I think it was during the G8 summit, buta bunch of supporters went on a march in London and one guy, who clearly thought he was terribly witty, brought along a life size Dalek with a message saying "Exterminate World Poverty" on it's plunger arm. It was the most focused on member of that march...

  9. A dragon who can burn pages on the internet is clearly some sort of cyber-construct that cannot harm anything that isn't binary

  10. A few more comments and I'll have 258 pages of them!

  11. A Hamburger phone eh? That Salvador Dali, what will he think up next :P

  12. A reneger of promises and breaker of oaths! To the eighth circle with you!

  13. A state which you're not in right now Mr. Kittan

  14. A trademark Nihy costume?

    How much do they retail for?

  15. A vest is so not a girdle.

    A girdle is belt

  16. Aaaaargh!

    *Clutches ears that are being fragmented by the Sets_ whistle frequency*

  17. AAAAHHHHH! My everything! I am the chair you fool!

  18. AAAAHHHHH! My upholstery!

  19. Absolutely nothing Nihy, absolutely nothing...

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