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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. You haven't even got time for a book o.O

    That is bad...

  2. You just want a piece of that endless pie, don't you?

  3. You just watch from the sidelines, like the rest of us, TPt1

  4. You just went with the name, Munki_. You were lazy

  5. You know my mother's been dead for seven years, yes?


    No, not really, just wondered what reaction I'd get

  6. You know Sets, you're almost as beligerant as Wrack these days

  7. You know who they both are but you don't know who Galactus is? You realise that makes no sense, I hope.

    Galactus is that guy from Marvel comics who eats planets. He wears purple a lot and is the Silver Surfer's ex-boss.

  8. You know, at a glance, it looks unbelievably like I'm talking to myself...

  9. You know, I think you can report him for stuff like that...

    Wolves are no problem. I speak lupine, so I can negotiate with them.

  10. You know, I think you two are starting to scare everyone else off...

  11. You know, Pandas aren't actually bears, they're closer to the canine family if anything.

  12. You know, technically Necro, when Xaeraz did it last time you got bitten by a radioactive chainsaw.

    I think that's grounds for you becoming some sort of superbeing

  13. You know, the addition of an 'e' whenever any of you says faces, could make that conversation a whole lot funnier and more disturbing

  14. You know, the more I think about it, the more I realise that Europe really does treat Belgium like it's whipping-country. The Franco-Spanish wars were held on what is now Belgian soil, as were the Franco-Austrian wars. You were the welcome mat in the Sclieffen Plan. The EU is in Belgium presumably because so many battle have been fought there you're neutral territory.

  15. You know, there are so many replies I could give to the Anubis remark, but all of them would be blatant showing off...

  16. You like driving in your car.

    It's not quite a jaguar.

    You like driving in your car.

    Even with a flat tie-ar

  17. You make snide comments that no-one pays any attention to?

    I'm quaking in my boots [/sarcasm]

  18. You make sure you don't write mistakes?

    So you do check?

  19. You may -try- to leave. I did mention there was no exit, right?

  20. You mean asides the fact that Matoran universe tech isn't anywhere near the level required for an iPod? :P

  21. You mean like the whole empire thing? Notice how we had the good conscience to give it all back? That must give us some cred, right?

  22. You mean like your 1830 Revolution?

  23. You mean the Autons/Nestene Consciousness [Nerd alert!]? I know they got a wheelie bin to eat someone but I don't remember an inflatable chair doing it. Or was that one of the old episodes?

  24. You mean the one that doesn't need to be there because it is quite clearly the end of a sentence as it is?

  25. You mean you can't find anyone worse than Nihy? Not even that guy who made you gender-bend?

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