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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. You measure your worth as a human being in profile views? That's kind of sad

  2. You might do yes. You can always not join if you don't like the look of it.

  3. You might just as well ask what it isn't

  4. You need to ask Talisman first though (he is also somewhere on my friends list...)

  5. You need to keep PMing the forum guy it got sent to

  6. You need to stop being so picky Nihy

    *gets out Lego Shovel, for the purpose of shovelling Lego*

  7. You only get one date with them thogh...

  8. You only have Monk skills because you absorbed a Monk's soul. That's cheating

  9. You PM me and post in my Comments

    There's no escape is there :P

  10. You put them in the cube, you clean up the mess. Just be glad that I'm helping you and giving you the right equipment

  11. You realise, TPt1, that your comment -can- just be deleted?

  12. You really could believe that he got lost in his own museum :P

  13. You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

  14. You really should update that blog of yours actually

  15. You said 'meself'

    Die Gungan!

  16. You said pies were a -good- thing five comments ago! Stop contradicting yourself!

  17. You said we could still blame you for stuff, so I blame you for the server disaster

  18. You say he comes up against moral challenges, but they're not. He's so goody-goody you know he's not going to hurl Luthor into space. With all other characters there's that knowledge that, actually, they might snap. But as you say, supes is just such a perfection he's a doormat

  19. You see him as hopeful, iconic, charismatic, heroic, selfless and inspiring. I see him as short-sighted, annoying, overpowered and half-baked

  20. You seem to have a bit of an infestation here. Want me to grab an exterminator?

  21. You should explain to that judge that it has now been a month of waiting

  22. You should get a goatee Necro, they're awesome.

    I've never quite had enough facial hair for one myself, but trust me, they're good

  23. You should have said 'ahoy'...

  24. You should point out to that Darkthorn guy that if he wanted to join a Bionicle RPG he could have made one up himself instead of ripping AWGM

  25. You should put up the biggest picture of a cake you can find.

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