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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Look at the new Storyline & Theories Contest, it looks awesome.


  2. Happy birthday!


  3. Omma stolkr.


  4. Yu'r online. I can tell because I'm a stolkr.


  5. *coughbzpccough*

  6. O.o

    *slowly backs away from RM*

  7. lolzo

    Generally, by the end of the game, you have no remorse when killing a character because he hasn't been interacting with anyone because you have so many of them.


  8. Would you want to form a new Agency? We can hand out in the Stilts, along the ceiling in a makeshift base or something. =P

  9. You realise it was also a TV show? =P


  10. Meh, my favourite Agency are the Freelancers, that say anything? =p

    To me, the Untouchables are a bit

    like your generic agency, reminds me of Get Smart. The Hernun are pretty cool methinks, with the dual 'castes'. The Cult one reminds me of Lord of the Flies. And the Veil seems a bit mysterious to me, all we really know is that they're lead by a Vahki.

  11. The Untouchables? and the Freelancers?


  12. I have two speeches to write (sux) but afterwards, bulbous, zymotic piece of chromium(II)?


  13. Lolzo

    Which Agency do you like the most?


  14. I might play Operation Endgame, looks interesting enough. =P

    Although I'm not quite sure what it means when I have to check back on my profile page to remember what it was called right after reading it... :P

  15. Also, am I the only one who doesn't seem to like any of this term's candidates?

    ... :/

    Quick, RM, persuade me to like one!


  16. Hi! Welcome to BZP darkcharm. If you need anything, just comment on my page!

    See you on the forums!


  17. *bides more time*



  18. So I herd u want my oponions.


  19. Also: I read your two new literaturez. =P


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