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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Zyglak Quest was epic.


  2. Orange Box is M, darn... One of the best sets out there...


  3. PS3 games? Idunnolol.


  4. Oh, I thought you wanted Wii games. :P

    (generally not much to do after you've beaten it)


  5. Owait, what am I saying.

    Metroid Prime: Corruption IS out (I have it).

    Metroid: Other M is the one coming out.


  6. Hmm, Metroid Corruption? It hasn't come out. :P

    But generally not. Which is why I like games like LittleBigPlanet and Infamous.


  7. Um... Zelda, Brawl...



  8. Tell me when you start watching, so I can write my obituary in advance, kk?


  9. When's that? I beat the game early January...

    Also: scroll down a bit from here:


  10. Also: you're new personal statement is lol.


  11. Your current avatar. It isn't from 'Cyanide and Happiness' is it?


  12. I'll let you know that he died happily, watching the leaked intro to the newest Metroid game.

  13. ...which was cut short earlier when he died in an explosion of pure win and awesomness.

  14. We are gathered here today, not to mourn the loss of BZP member Kiotu, but to celebrate his life...

  15. Have you seen the leaked intro for Metroid: Other M?

    I just wrote a funeral speech for myself on BZPC. I'll comment it here.


  16. Yeah! It's awesome. I love the gliding ability, do you have it yet?

    The first day I got it...

    ...was also the first day I won the achievement for flying 5 km (IG of course, I did that years ago in real life :P).


  17. Posted the comments on my page...

    Go there, I'm too lazy. :P


  18. Heckzyeah. If you still haven't gotten it, get inFamous. Otherwise, how's Uncharted?


  19. Nups, I'm just going to be posting right after you, kk? :P


  20. If your avatar is what I think it is, then you have an epic avatar. :P


  21. Owait, for your PS3, do you have Littlebigplanet?


  22. I know you have a PS3, but do you happen to have a Wii as well?


  23. Omma be stolkin u, kk?


  24. You see what I did thar?


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