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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Ohai Bunda,

    Yeah, I am. I was writing up my first profile probably tonight. I'll have it up tomorrow though.

    Also, the name is better than Exo's. =P


  2. What are you talking about, I haven't copied Biomech's avatar at all! =P


  3. Wait, what PM?


  4. I'm not insulting you, I hope. You seem like a smart guy.


  5. Dude, how old are you? Some of the stuff you say makes you seem around my age, but then some times you say things that contradicts it.

    And Wikipedia's untrustworthy, don't get your chemistry stuff from there. =P


  6. *joins conversation*


  7. You have no idea how much I was like 'O.o' when I saw your comment on RM's page. =P


  8. Hi, sorry, do I know you?


    1. Lenny7092


      Hi, I just wanted to make friends.:)

  9. Bye Exo...


  10. Also, I know we're in mourning, but I'm the OBZPC newb...


  11. Also, you're doing Sand and Fire Makes Screams, right?


  12. Sorry, I was distracted by your half-filled proto bar. What'd you say?


  13. Thanks, Velox. =)


  14. I found out right when I got on BZP =P


  15. Doesn't matter. =P

    Also: I took the quote out of my sig in memory of a good BZP member.

    Other Latin-taking members include: Velox, ToM, and Vigor Mortis. I don't know any others.


  16. *is happy because of my new orange-status*

    One thing I'm wondering though, is: how did you guys find out before I did? =P



  17. Can't I just say "=D" every once in a while, without you questioning my motives?


  18. Rising Moon was wondering about a "=D" I put on his comments page. =P


  19. Owait, were you asking for the translation of the sentences in my sig?


  20. I don't think anyone speaks Latin anymore. =P

    That being said: This is my third year of Latin.


  21. RM, have you been getting my PMs?


  22. Another RPGC win. What's that make now, 5, putting you up there with The Captain? =P


  23. I might do the Mahri Nui one, it was always one of my favourite places.


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