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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kiotu

  1. People these days, relying on octopi to tell them who to bet for. Back in some other guy's day, people didn't have these psionic cephalopods to tell them who to bet for. And they liked it that way! Despite this, a clairvoyant octopus would be the coolest pet ever. Agreed? Anyways, FIFA predictions? I'm saying Spain. -K
  2. Kiotu

    Yesterday Quest

    What do you mean? Now we can have Matoran and Toa of any element both genders. -K
  3. Kiotu

    Yesterday Quest

    I liked it. Especially that the Toa of Psionics is male, this might mean that we'll finally be seeing other characters like this. I've been doing it in my fanon for years, but it's good it's finally canon. Marendar seems interesting, to say the least. I picture him as some giant, hulking, ape-thing. The title though, made me automatically think they were going back in time to do something. It's a bit of a let-down that we can't see more of the MU's history as a result... I'll have to find a way to work this into my fanon though. I'm hoping to post some of the bigger fanon entries soon, on my ideas about the MU, Kanohi, Matoran, Mata Nui and Makuta, Locations, Races, and a bunch of other things. I'm still trying to figure out how to work in Bara Magna, though. My current thoughts are that it's another universe created by the Great Beings, as part as a series of creations. I'm not too sure, though. My other idea was that it's just another dome in the MU. Which is better, do you think? -K
  4. Oh, and because your comment board is basically an advert board/where I can get away with anything:


    being developed by Kiotu

  5. Also, do you have any BRPG plans for after FFO?


  6. But I guess that's a dual meaning too, because 'pulling an RM' could also refer to killing off characters just randomly. =P

  7. So, that's why it's called pulling an RM

  8. How come you always suddenly go inactive. xD

  9. Just update HttK, kk? xD


  10. lol, it failed.

  11. I've been stolkring your profile for, like, three hours straight.

    I don't think that FFO should be centered around fate.

    So I wait, in the RPG topic, my eyes and hands ready, invisibility on.

    And you know when the UDD symbol flicks, that I'll be stolkring your profile.

  12. Kiotu


    Technopathy would be an -awesomepants- power, don't you agree? -K
  13. Kiotu


    What story? I see no story. -K
  14. TOO many people make this mistake. It's not bad or anything, practically everyone makes the mistake, but it often causes a lot of confusion. Let me clarify: Sentience is the ability to feel emotions. Comes from the word 'sentio' in Latin, 'I feel'. Yes, people are sentient too, but then again, so is your dog, and in fact, your goldfish (know how small their brains are?). If you're looking for the word that describes us, then that would be... Sapience. This comes from the word 'sapiens' in Latin, meaning 'wise'. You'll notice that it's found in our scientific name (Homo sapiens sapiens). Coincidence? I think not! This is because, we are sapient, and anything that would have a similar intelligence would also be sapient. And most likely, if you have aliens buzzing around in spacecraft, or something that can speak Matoran, they're sapient. Semi-rant over. -K
  15. Remember the Gale?

  16. How do I continue in DS?


  17. Go update it then! xD


  18. olol, in this refreshed version of your profile, all of the friends below are girls. You dog, you.

  19. So, I went to a concert last night in place of my grandmother, who was too sick. It was good, but I don't think I could appreciate it as much as someone who is either -good- at music, or really enjoys classical music. So I was a bit bored, and my mind was often drifting. While I was there, I noticed the following: Belts are used to hold up pants, but pants have belt-loops to hold up the belt. So, really, who's the real hero? -K
  20. Kiotu

    I Am Back.

    Just three. -K
  21. Kiotu

    Burning Stuff

    Wind-up batteries, magnesium strips, hydrochloric acid and blankets, FTW. -K
  22. Kiotu

    Burning Stuff

    And if you have a significant pile, it gives off so much heat. -K
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