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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kiotu

  1. Well, what powers did everyone get in inFamous? Teleportation, electricity, energy-bolts, telekinesis, mind-control, force-fields and invisibility.

    Should we allow for other powers?


  2. One in storage?

    Anyways, it could be set right after the Ray Sphere explosion. People can wake up with powers, etc...


  3. Ever thought about an inFamous RPG?


  4. Lolwut, you're doing Requiem now?


  5. A solid month, I'd say.


  6. Final exam preparation. I won't be able to devote my time to something as big as FFO.


  7. But then I'm away!



  8. *will be overruled anyways*

    So, when are we planning to do it then?


  9. ...and TPTI's...

  10. 'cept Darkspace...


  11. But it works! XD

    I'm gone from the 28th of June until the 11th of July. I can cover while you're gone, and it fits the theme. And there's almost no competition! =P


  12. RM, when do you go away in July again?


  13. I don't see anything wrong with re-doing old themes. Especially the oldest ones, with pieces varying a lot since then. -K
  14. Well, each word has multiple meanings that only translate certain ways when used in a certain way.

    A notable example is 'ubi' which means 'when' if used with perfect tense verbs, but 'where' if otherwise.

  15. Nah, it translates as: "How long will your thoughts continue to dwell upon earth? Do you not behold the skies to which you have come?"

    Though, more in a philosophical sense than religious. =P

  16. I went there, and I'll do it again!

    *insert even more comeback-ish comeback here*


  17. I'm on BZPC.

    *hopes RM will stolkr Kiotu thar*


  18. Oh, well, hmm.

    *insert comeback here*


  19. You're stolkring me. XD


  20. Aren't Spalios and Fera based off of Spalor and Fera from one of your old epics that you wrote (and I recently read =P)?


  21. Yup.

    RM, how do you come up with your stories?


  22. I know Kini =/= Neya, though because I only recently discovered that they're seperate people, it might have been either one.

    Also, my ego grows every time I see the Burfday topic right next to the comments. =P


  23. Didn't you also show it to Sumiki and Kini/Neya?


  24. I thought you showed FFO to a few guys... Nevermind. =P

  25. RM, how many people were interested in playig FFO, again?


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