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Everything posted by Kiotu

  1. Kiotu

    2 Truths And 1 Lie

    Well, eight's lie needs to be 'c', since if that one was true, then all of them would be. -K
  2. BZP, I am disappoint. No, really. These new sigs? They're just too big. The worst part is when I view BZP from my iPod, which is about half of my BZP-time. The sigs will take up the entire screen. Do you know how annoying that will be? Not only will I have to scroll ten times as much as I used to to read a post, I'll have to scroll sideways to see it too. Wonderful. Still, I am reluctant to change my signature viewing options, since I actually used to like them, and how they could serve as a navigator into a member's work or interests. That's my opinion. Hopefully, with any luck, they'll be reverted, or made smaller, at least. -K
  3. You realise that by saying "I used to be GJ" in your sig, you've mootified the point of changing your name? XD


  4. Yes, I'll leave it ambiguous like that... =P

  5. ...after school today. =P

  6. Kiotu


    Try 'xerus'. ...or something stupid, like 'ammonium nitrate'. -K
  7. Expect one.


  8. Meh, a couple people know, GJ included. XD

    I made up the storm planet, because I thought that would make sense. If you want me to though, I can easily change it. And the map's only preliminary, since we'll probably make changes as time rolls on.

    Well, yeah. You're definitely the superior RPGer. I wish I was half as good as you at writing!

    Also, Dark

  9. Wait, since when have I been the superior RPer? XD

    Also, the map's fine?


  10. Unfortunately, pennies, despite the exchange rate, round down to nothing in Australian money, having no one-cent coin... ...and I don't work for free. -K
  11. The cake is most certainly not a lie. Just assume the Party Associate Collection position and see for yourself. -K
  12. Kiotu

    Steam For Mac

    Don't have one yet; I'll give you an update though. Kiotu, of course. You can go into the settings and set it up so that there are actually two buttons. There's no visual distinction, but hitting the right side does the same thing as hitting the right button on a dual-button mouse. Haha, no. -K
  13. Kiotu

    Steam For Mac

    About time. I already have Portal for the PS3 as part of The Orange Box. However, since all Valve games are going to be coming out for Mac over Steam pretty soon, I think I may trade back my PS3 versions for store credit, and save that for console-exclusives. Then I'll probably get TF2 and Portal 2 (when it comes out) for the computer, for the computer servers. They were never that good on the PS3. =/ Also, the Indie Pack looks pretty good too. I have the first level of World of Goo on my computer, and it's a pretty awesome game. I'd probably just get that, but since the Indie Pack includes that, as well as three other games, for the same price as just one, I'll just get that instead. *goes off to download* -K
  14. Kiotu

    Bzp Bucket List

    [√] Copy Aho Things I want to do during my time on BZP: [√] Go Premier [√] Get a Proto Boost [√] Become OBZPC [√] Send in News [√] Have a Top Ten Hot Topics Topic [√] Have a #1 Hot Topic [√] Win a BBC [√] Win an AC [√] Win an RPGC [√] Finish/Publish an Epic [√] Review a Set [√] Send Something to Brickfair [√] Win Prototype Parts Somehow [√] Make an Official Topic [√] Make a Bunch of Good Friends [√] Leave Dramatically =P Half of them are unlikely, but I've got to have some goals! More to be added. -K
  15. Idunno. We're holding off until September right? Anyways... I have a few connections that could help us with a banner.

    Or I could get off my seat, and sit back down and make one. XD


  16. Kagha's a girl? All these... months, and I never knew!


  17. Wait, I missed your comment about Kagha...


  18. Kiotu

    Gen V Starters

    I like the Pigbunny and the Clownotter, not so sure about the grass one. -K
  19. Owait, nevermind, I found out his new name off of Brickeen's blog. XD


  20. Psst, RM, whar did Sumiki go? I went to check on his blarg, and it wasn't there...


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