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Everything posted by Kiotu

  1. e.g. Learning to fly with electricity powers.

  2. Upgrade scenario would be something likes this: Rm, I've noticed you're an awesomepants RPer. I think you deserve a Power Upgrade. You can add a power, as long as you could reasonably obtain it with your current ones.

  3. *spoils the game*

    You playing on evil, or good?

    Nah, the First Sons are totally needed. They seized control of the Historic, due to the lack of law enforcement...


  4. 3. How about upgrades as rewards?

    4. First Sons not included? But they're the gang that rules the Historic...


  5. 1. Following the story.

    2. How many characters can you have?

    3. Yeah, but how do we structure that? We would need to have a branching thingo for each starting power.

    4. What about the First Sons, too? Should we allow custom-factions?


  6. Kwestchuns:

    1. Sandbox, rite?

    2. Character-Limits?

    3. Power-upgrades?

    4. Factions?

  7. Rm... I need help!

  8. I just need to figure out some things.

  9. Also, I might be able to write the entire first draft today.

  10. I wonder what would happen if I suggested: "Yes, write the RPG, and be the Co-host!"


  11. What a lol argument.


  12. Oh, and you can also be the awesomepants guy I need to help me.


  13. You can have my job in FFO.

    You pull together the entire storyline from two bits of information, and I'll overrule you! XD


  14. That's me going along with your: "Sure, I'll start writing ASAP."

    I was planning to write. XD


  15. ...and you decided to write it. You didn't ask if I was going to. =P

  16. Also, there's shapeshifting. The Repaer Conduits can do that.

  17. Maybe a selection, depending on their post. We can make a formula, lulz.

    Insanity was always something of a power-hungry thing, wasn't it? With the exception of Sasha... But really, if you don't want to play as an insane guy, why would you play as one? That should be a player choice.

  18. Note to self: If you're planning to make an RPG and you ask RM if he'd be a part of it, it becomes his RPG, so don't do that until it's finished.

  19. inFamous is your RPG? XP

    I was thinking that maybe they should be randomly handed out. However, that may not work as well as I have it going in my head.


  20. How should we deal with powers?


  21. I was hoping to do some writing, but that's kk, you're better anyways. =P

    However, when will you be posting Requiem?


  22. Kiotu

    Link Is Left-handed

    I heard there's a feature that lets you decide what hand is the dominant one. -K
  23. Kiotu

    E3 2010

    Just some of my opinions: Halo: Reach (Xbox 360) Everything about this game looks pretty awesome. The graphics, AI, multiplayer, environments, everything. Also, new space battles. I wonder if this will become a multiplayer feature as well. Anyways, there's not to much to say, I can't really think of anything wrong with it. I'd like to get it, but I don't have an Xbox, unfortunately. Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360) I can't say I like this one as much as Reach, although it does look like something I'd play. The AI seem to be a bit dumb, with the massive Doc-Oc type thing just running in the general direction of the character, and all the player needed to do was move out of the way with a roll. The graphics looked pretty cool, and I liked the hostage feature, as well as the one where you can switch guns with another player. That was pretty nifty. 4-player co-op is nice too. Fable 3 (Xbox 360) Fable 3, on the other hand, isn't something I'd get. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I'm definitely not a fan of the art style. I wasn't much of a fan of the other two, so, I don't know about this one. Metal Gear Solid Rising (Xbox 360 and PS3) This one looks great. Destructable environments and limbs are always nice. Looks a little more action-y than the other MGS games, but that's cool as well. I'll probably pick up a PS3 copy. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) This looks pretty good. The cartoony-ish style is okay, even though I have to say I like the TP style better. The MotionPlus feature is kind of cool, something that'd also be good with MGSR, I think. Really, any Zelda game is welcomed from me. I'll definitely be getting this one. Metroid: Other M (Wii) This looks good too, I'll be getting it as well. The new style looks good, and, unlike the new Zelda game, is more dark than the previous games, which is okay, I kind of like it. Switching between persons is cool, too, though I wonder if you can play the entire game in first person (with the exception of the ball mode). InFamous 2 (PS3) Interesting. I can't say I like the new Cole, I've never been a fan of switching actors between movies, and this is basically the same thing. Even if they have a cool storyline reason for it. The new Cole isn't as awesome as they old one, and I'm not quite sure why they changed it. Ice powers are nice, though I can't see the connection between it and electricity. I'll have to see more of it before I decide if I'll get it or not, though, if it's anything like the first, it'll be good (despite the new Cole =P). LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3) It looks great, with all of the new game modes. Nothing much more to say, it's just going to be an awesome game. More to come when I see some more. -K
  24. I think the inFamous RPG would be easy enough to whip up in a couple weeks, so why don't we do that for the next few months, as practice running an RPG before FFO?


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