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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. OH and welcome here ^^

  2. Oh well, watching stuff over google, things like that, nothing too fancy.

  3. Oh, he doesn't actually, It was just something he tested one time after Mr. Fox showed him.

  4. Oh, very good. Not a 100%, but I am not going to complain about 90%. ^^

  5. Ohh, it comes along nicely. Except for homwork beeing an obstacle.

  6. Ohhh that...I took that metaphorically. *reanimates you*

  7. Ohhhh yeah ^^ :P 35 bucks well invested


  9. On a random note I want to mention I am gonna see Bruce springsteen on June 16th ^^

  10. on your prifle or on mine Kalli?

  11. Other times I had to learn though that our ego is sometimes a fortress that can prevent further damage if the humility doesn't work.

  12. ouhh nutin right now..

  13. pah^^ If he wants to get arthrosis in his fingers...

  14. Pity...it usually helps me...Well, my next treatment would propably be aspirin ;^^ And sleep.

  15. PLastic absorbing things? Isn't that what they did in Dr. Who with the 'murder by inflatable chair' ?

  16. Pretty well ^^ btw. if you want you can drop me a PM sometime that has nothing to do with Bk.

  17. Profile check-up...

    Nope, looks like the mental ward will stay closed for another couple of months.

  18. quite allright, thank you ^^

  19. rather boring...scholl sucks this week.

  20. RayG will be enough, but only if it's not making things too busy ^^

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