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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Reminds me of "Cm'ere, I'm gonna eat ya! I'm bigger then you, I'm higher in the foodchain, get in ma belly!"

  2. Reminds me of the TV show "live on mars"

  3. Riiight, except that those men are good for nothing else...or even...ah, you know.

  4. Rofl ^^ What shows DO you like to watch then?

  5. Sallah is a great charie too. ^^

  6. same here...my nearest German contact is form Berlin...half the country away.

  7. Say what!? Das is ja geil ^^

  8. Schrödinger XD Awesome sig/avvie, man!

  9. Season 4 on DVD will have to suffice for now.

  10. See you around then ^^ *opens passenger door and jumps out, then watches you race away to your doooms*

  11. Sets, I can understand Dutch a bit ^^ I just cant talk or write in it.

  12. She forced me a little. ^^ But gently.

  13. SHUDDUP FOO! I love the mr t commerical ^^

  14. SILENCE! *squeals* i kill you! ^^

  15. SILENCE! I kill you!

  16. So I know Annatare and Lufina closely by now..

  17. Ssss,Aaaa,Ffff,Eeee,Tttt,Yyyy...

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