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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Awesome! Great! Thanks alot!

  2. rather boring...scholl sucks this week.

  3. ouhh nutin right now..

  4. Great news Greg, really grat news! Cant wait for the new update ony bioniclestory.com

  5. Well, that picture is months old. Right now my hair is medium lenght.

  6. Haha...I wish, Tpti, I wish. It's still boring school, except that I am lucky to have a schedule that allows me some freetime after school and not directly dive into homework and such.

  7. Ohh, it comes along nicely. Except for homwork beeing an obstacle.

  8. Hey, how you're doing?

  9. He is talking about Star Wars battlefront 2. I got bored of the usual maps.

  10. *is extremly ninja-shocked*

    HUGs back!

  11. nuthin Anna....I have been ot my grannies place! And I missed AHC end...

    ah well

    I have two Mahri and Gadunka. They are really worth it

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