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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. I like my spleen in the location it is in, noming not needed. *looks around*

  2. Ow *"accidentially" pokes Xaeraz in the gut with a spiked finger this way is more original than going for the eyes*

  3. Ooooh *joins in on the poking fun*

  4. To the nuclear powered rocket ship headed for an alternate dimension!

  5. To the bombshelter!

  6. XD The day everyone should stay off the streets =P

  7. FOOM FOOM [/zoomzoomcommercial]

  8. Same here =P

  9. Awww thanks ^^

    You're more utterly awesome just remember =P

  10. I dun care, it's not like I ever check my email =P

  11. It's spelled "Blatant" =P

    I like where I am now.... trapped within Shard's comment page that is.

  12. But flirting is so much fuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn! 8D

  13. I smile everytime I come here :)

  14. Blargh I hate comment mistakes >

  15. You didn't wut? *ha sno idea if he's supposed to remember*

  16. The cake was too good to be true and then I was told it was a lie ;_;

  17. Very interesting. They say I must live with it... oh well.

  18. I screwed up when trying to go with "Spinkmeister" I really hate my mouse

  19. If you're a plum then I'm a pepper. A green pepper.

  20. I remembered you =D

  21. You only has three stars... let's try to changify that *rates five several times and then realizes it only accepts a rating once*

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