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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. Where'd the star rating go =O *wanted to rate five* ;_;

  2. Then, since I have no skills with coloring anything... Obi Wan would be kewl, if you have him.

  3. *Pokes* *gasp* He Liiiiiiivvvvveeesss =P

  4. Make meh whatever colors works easiest for you. ^^

  5. I hit the "R" key instead of the "Caps lock" one

  6. Why Innerrayg sorreh ;_;

  7. I wanna crab. I am hungry.

  8. Blah, blah, blah, bored, bored, bored, rant, rant, rant.

    You get the gist of it =P

  9. I'm here for boredom... meh

  10. You are officially beyond awesome. I need to go make up a new word for the new status.

  11. In some senses yes, in others; no.


  12. Orb... you banned me didn't you?

  13. I might, things have just been hard to keep track of which was why I had pretty much halted in there...

  14. It be great, with minor sickness here and there, but still ^^ You?

  15. XD, dun worry I won't leave you a comment... oh wai- *click*

  16. Blech meh bored. You has money?

  17. Meh, sucks for you =P

  18. Yayz! I just felt like saying that........

  19. Blech I'm bored.

    So I celebrate my boredom by leaving you this comment.

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