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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. If something sounds to good to be true than it must be true as it is too good for it! =D

  2. Nice artwork you have there, you mentioned that you were writing a book yourself, may I ask what it is about?

  3. You could call it horror, but I don't find it that way... everyone else does though..

  4. Welcome to BZP! I hope you have a good time here! =D


  6. O_o

    I got nuthin'


    oooh, thooose kids...

  8. It is quiet here...

  9. Yeees! Another one! 8D

  10. Yipee! Do I get a prize?

  11. They were good too, (I remember only two episodes)

  12. Grimlock with Blacky.

  13. I find it quite funny to watch.

  14. Yeeeah, I found that out after I killed him, that was really annoying, but I saved the game before I went on that mission so I can just restart from there and see if I can still get that achievment.

  15. Quite good actually. After a few more months of editing it may possibly be ready to get published by someone.

  16. I tried to once, but I realized that RC doesn't work on a 360. So no.

  17. Hey Nera, I was wondering when you would join Bzp!

  18. Demonic Beginnings.

  19. I see you went through with the yellow box avvie. :D

  20. Happy (late)Birthday!

  21. I read your interests unnecessarily of course.

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