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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. IS TO! And then you need to pick a better airport as mine was... 0$ for as long as I want =P

  2. *Out of boredom, Spink throws Agent Smith at GG*

  3. I know! It is scary

  4. I dun get it... why does it always say I'm offline in peoples profiles when I am online o.O

  5. Jet fuel is just concentrated corn syrup

    And my Wi-fi is free either way =P

  6. You are moar -totally- awesome. That is fact pure obvious fact.

  7. Airport Wi-Fi costs money? Mine didn't... it was all frrrreeeeeeee!

  8. Nothing... happened... kewl...

    That means I can put that three hour long plan/conversation I made up out of boredom into effect! HA!

  9. I needz ur axe for Tuesday....

  10. *pokes* is he dead?

  11. Yay! I really wish I could be there myself though... ah well.

    Life goes on

  12. You be so incredibly mega ultra lucky. I cannot describe how lucky you are... it's puts the leprechauns to shame.

  13. Nevah mind... moment passed...

  14. Ah dangit...

  15. [hyperactive]yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!?[/hyperactive]

  16. I got da caffene patch! =D

    I can stay awake for daaaaayyyyz without any side effects!

  17. As for your RPG, it took a few weeks for my first to get approved by Toaraga... although the dead last one was approved in a few days


    As for your questionish thing in my profile, I'm not going to Denver, I'm moving there and I will be living there from now on =P

  18. Not going, moving to Denver. I'm gonna live there from now on =D


  20. SpInk iS In uR PrOfiLe

  21. GG you needz moar starz *rates 5 and nuffin' happens* O=

  22. It MoooooooooooooooooooooJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ =D

  23. Wait... what did I make up that was hilarious? *bad memory >

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