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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. lolyes. New Fad up and about.

  2. Robo and I concocted it on MSN some time ago.

  3. You'll see on December 1st. And yes, this fad required permission from B6 himself. The spots have been filled though... well from what I can remember.

  4. Yup, am just waiting for the new fad to start. Then I'm changing my name.

  5. I just got the joke.... heh.... welll.... I'm slow at these things

  6. Seeing your name unorangey... it's... madness...

  7. You resigned, and changed your name. Well, at least you can do that again =P

  8. Congrats on the new Blog Mini- er, Blog Assitant. =P

  9. lol, if you ever need to pick people, go with people who do a good job. (MoJ, Trans, some others whose names escape me)

  10. lol, SE, FotT, RotT, Reality (in a way), Halo, Unexpected, Magic (when it comes out), OG, Outbreak... yeahhh

  11. lol, I'm staff in SE, have some official characters in Reality, and as for Halo... I'm the center of attention. =D

  12. lol, sounds like me =P. Although somethings to maybe take a look into could be the few rules that are "unwritten". For example, like how Sonic the Hedgehog Topics aren't allowed in COT, but it isn't written down anywhere. *shrugs* Just something that popped to mind like two seconds ago XP

  13. Ah, dun worry I was only messing with ya.

  14. Now you have to plan a big Official NM Q&A Topic for December, you already have October and November down =P

  15. My bad, didn't know it wasn't allowed. (@The blog thing) I'll be more careful in the future.

  16. O hai. Hope everything is going good for ya. And as for the four star problem, that will have to be rectified.

  17. O... SN would be "rakaru1@hotmail.com" jsyk

  18. *Has no idea what debate went on*

    You need AIM. I need MSN. We both need weaponry.

    And yes I felt like saying that =P


  20. I wish I was on the same time you are on >

  21. You are -awesome- and deserve cupcakes.

  22. Shhhh... you don't need to tell them that... *looks around suspisciously*

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