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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. But I don't say something like: "The staff is smelly." I would say "The staff are smelly." or "The staff are ___, ___, ___,"

  2. Which makes "Staff" plural, which is why you use "Are" and not "Is" since "Staff" isn't just one thing.

  3. Because "Country" is singular while "Countries" is plural. That's why you don't say "Country are" since it's only talkng about one thing, where "Countries is" doesn't work either since "Is" is more used with something that is singular: "That country is..." and "Are" is used more with plural "Those countries are..."

  4. It was used in the form of plurality, more than one. There were several as a part of the staff, which would mean it was a group of people. We don't say "People is" we say "People are" since it refers to a group, not an individual.

  5. lol, you'll probably be Nite Owl II longer than I'll be The Comedian, cuz I think I'm just going to go to some variation of "Spink" again XP

  6. Refrain from posting in my profile if you're going to say things that aren't appropriate for BZPower.

  7. You wish for me to spoil the main mystery in the movie for you? =P

  8. Response to March 19 Comment:

    -How many more days are you going to have to wait until you end up changing your name? =P

  9. Orange Judge Person =D

    That makes three =P

  10. I'm awesome too? :o

  11. You know what? You're awesome.

  12. I get all my jokes off of candy wrappers. That is why I am not very funny.

  13. Full pwoto is yay.

  14. HE WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR COT FAMILY. Yes, you can't escape us, or we will brutally kill you and haul your body back to COT =D

  15. lol I kinda wish I knew what it was too =P

  16. Heh, sorry, I'll get on that ^^;;;;

  17. I DID! And now I might be remembered amongst the BZPRPG people XP

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