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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. Yep, I'm assigned to COT. ^^, but I unapproved your comment in my profile because it contained a filtered phrase (last three letters) just so you know why it's not there currently.

  2. Yep, that'd be why I'm leaving the Judges.

  3. Yes Nihhz, Spink. I like saying so I am Spink.

    GG, you are too lucky for your own good... =P

  4. Yes, I do. It's the one listed with the picture of a ton of people in blue/red shirts.

  5. Yes, I've been meaning to change my name to this for a while. I had to wait for Disky to be able to switch out her name though =P

  6. Yes, let's go with that =P

  7. Yipee! Do I get a prize?

  8. You are -awesome- and deserve cupcakes.

  9. Noxryn

    You are blue again o.O

    Well, this is nice. ^^

  10. You are boooolllld'd. *runs off to find blog*

  11. You are moar -totally- awesome. That is fact pure obvious fact.

  12. You are officially beyond awesome. I need to go make up a new word for the new status.

  13. You are WIN too MoJ, Disky just helps me out a lot so I made it public =3


  15. You be so incredibly mega ultra lucky. I cannot describe how lucky you are... it's puts the leprechauns to shame.

  16. You beated me to 'Raga's birthday topic... by ten seconds D=

  17. You change your name too much XP

  18. You could call it horror, but I don't find it that way... everyone else does though..

  19. You didn't wut? *ha sno idea if he's supposed to remember*

  20. You know what? You're awesome.

  21. You mean Les ;_;

  22. Noxryn

    You need to be on AIM for an extended period of time sometime soon D=

  23. You need to live at reasonable hours D=

  24. You need to use AIM more often.

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