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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Ah today, much less things happened than yesterday. However I have two tests tomorrow, one on a bunch of explorers in early American History (I really want world history, or some class on mythology however) with questions with where they went, what year, and who they worked for.
    Math as well, I'm more confident in my math abilities as I've been doing better in that class.
    I am still seperated from all MoCing parts which is really starting to get to me, I miss being able to create my little creations and put them up in places.
    A Scar Night RPG may possibly be underway, POSSIBLY not DEFINANTLY.
    Alright with that out of the way, I snuck around and got my book back from parent confiscation (Been staying up too late reading recently, and my parental guardian would like it if I rested, however I don't anyway as I just can't...)
    I am no longer going to go to Brickcon, originally I was going to go, but then I had the choice of attending next years BFair instead. Of course after much thought and such I decided to go to BFair because some staffers here I would love to meet got to BFair and not Bcon.
    I will do something to stand out.. probably a large nametag saying I AM SPINK. with a white hat with SPINK on it in large black letters, maybe red letters (red light travels faster) so people know that I am Spink and not some random walker arounder.
    I am looking forward to 09 and I really cannot wait for it to arrive.
  2. Noxryn
    I saw this movie a little while ago, I didn't blog anything about it due to the state of affairs at the time.
    If you haven't seen this movie, then I implore you to go and watch it. Wait for it on DVD if you must, rent it if you will, but it is by far one of the best movies I've watched within the last three years.
    As for haters, they can all go eat gravel.
  3. Noxryn
    ok so some updates?
    i started playing World of Warcraft again (85/86 Death Knight im having fun, but been leveling a bit with a close friend of mine) and with the new token thing i might keep playing since i can use gold to pay for the subscription than money
    also got the last two humble bundles so i have games like Torchlight II, Outlast, ME2, DA: O, DA II, Dead Space 2 for my computer which is nice (my sister has DA III on Origin, but i have that for my ps4 ). all that for twelve bucks (and more games too).
    lately ive been going out more, wearing nice clothes (esp after my hair appointment a week ago), and got myself some jewelry and makeup -- i get some unwanted attention, but eh.
    also got myself a nice little journal to write in when i have anxiety issues and the like, my therapist(s) recommended this to me for a long time over the years.
    might actually upload a pic of myself recently but idk, sorta iffy on it
  4. Noxryn
    The Love Train 
    This is a club, but what is this club all about? This club is all about love, and is a place where hate is shunned because hate isn't awesome. So smile, be happy, hug and other such things~

    ~ Members ~
    1) Aho-Chan
    2) Spink
    3) The Illusive Man
    4) Aho-Chan Fan #104434
    5) Gigi
    6) FPS Russia/Leada
    7) Fearlix
    8) Disky
  5. Noxryn
    I have straight A's as of today, except for one 89 average in Biology... which will hopefully turn into an A after the test~
    Plus, my essay apparently made it to semi-finaldom (Finalists got shirts, certificates and presented at the Spirit Assembly a while back, Semi-Finalists get certificates ).
    What's funny is that I seriously just rushed that paper, like... I wrote it in less than an hour, the night before it was due... << >>
    But I feel smart anyways. :3
    Also, gun safety class was five hours long. I also have a take-home-test from that, which is easy, and I need to bring it in on Saturday which is gonna be a pain with the English Essay draft I need to do as well as all the Final Reviews I want to do @_@ (9 or so days 'till Final week...)
  6. Noxryn
    I originally typed out a very long, very detailed rant. I ranted about myself, really. I feel a little better for it, but not really. I wasn't going to post it, I knew that when I started. Part of me wanted to, just to let everyone into the way I think.
    But no.
    No one should have to read that thing.
    No one.
  7. Noxryn
    So, like said quite a few times in this blog, school's started up as of three weeks ago (The day I got back from BFair) and so far I enjoy the teachers I have. None of them hate my guts, and a few of them liked me from the get-go due to positive comments I got from teachers I had last year.
    But outside of schoolwork (Which is, at the moment, doing some notes, some French stuff and making some picture for English, and three articles to write for Newspaper), I've been doing some other things. One of these things is that I randomly got the idea to write a short story, being more on the line of 7000 - 8000 words, that's based around Vlad Dracula. Some scenes involving Dracula came to mind when listening to some music, and I grew fond enough of the scenes to see if I can incorporate them into a short story. The only details I have worked out are those scenes, a modern setting, and... that's about it. I need to think of a plot, some other characters, and then create an outline for it. (An outline that will probably be written sometime tomorrow)
    Then there's some stuff I've been doing in regards to Legionarius, which is a project I've been working on for five years now (and it has evolved to a completely different entity from when I started). So far, I've been working on character profiles for the trilogy -- only on the first, which is Anavrin, who has already surpassed five pages in my notebook (mostly the history of the character) and whose profile alone is over 6000 words long (and I'm only about halfway done). The series, so far, has about... 20-ish important characters who will need similar profiles done, some longer than others, more so that when I get to the outline stage, I can work their histories together and give the characters more of a personality and give them more depth -- outside of them being random things I threw in at the last second.
    After characters, there's things like wildlife, transportation, architecture, arts, factions, realms (four in total), species (including the government of the harpies and the humans characters), those sorts of things. After all those are written out, that's when I plan to start on the outline for it and only after that's done, checked over for possible inconsistencies and holes, is when the actual writing on it will be started.
    Due to size of things, I plan on working on the Vlad Dracula short story first -- mainly because if I get it all done, all checked over, everything proofread a few times, I could actually do something with it other than let it rot in Word. (It'll be too violent for a BZP audience, due to the nature of Vlad the Impaler)
    Today, I've had the idea to go to Barnes 'n Noble to pick up a biography of Vlad III, Dracula (Son of Vlad II, Dracul) and read through it -- taking notes, highlighting interesting things, as to try and make the character Vlad Dracula in the short story more like Vlad the Impaler -- instead of just sharing a name, like Bram Stoker's Dracula (the character) who pretty much just shares a name with Vlad III. (I also have that novel I want to read before going into the actual writing of the short story)
    I also dumped the Varian contest entry thing I was gonna do in favor of this.
  8. Noxryn
    I got two of the Protectors a few days ago when I made my last entry, they're really neat little things. The gatling gun item's fancy enough; it's small and not massive like the cordak blasters were, though the downside is the studs are really easy to lose if you're not careful. (I got fire and ice, oh and LOSS but I'm probably just going to use LOSS for parts).
    Later today (as in the 30th) the four Toa I ordered should arrive from TRU, namely: Gali, Kopaka, Tahu and Onua. Didn't order Pohatu and Lewa as they're my least favorites this time around; Pohatu mostly for the silver and gunmetal prevalence, and Lewa because his mask has yet to grow on me and his head articulation seems kinda iffy with the two pieces that go on either side of his head. I'll pick them up at some point, but I wanted to get the first four I liked more.
    Protectors are gonna stay my little impulse buys, though Earth is definitely high on the list if only for the purple.
  9. Noxryn
    So, less than a year ago I looked something more like this:

    Now I look more like:

    Course the second pic is of me at work, so it's not like incredibly.
  10. Noxryn
    Lewk at wut I wrotez =D
    War Among the gods
    Pweeeeeeze weave a wittle comment thingy so I know if others like it or notz?
    Oh and I found these lyrics to the song from the Mercenaries commercial, and I wrote out a god-battle while listening to the song ^^
    Oh no
    Oh no
    Oh no
    Yo yo yo
    Oh no you didn't
    Sucka tried to play me
    But you never paid me, Neva
    Oh no you didn't
    Payback is a' comin'
    You will be runnin', foreva
    Oh no you didn't
    Until I get my vengeance
    I will never end this mayhem
    Oh no you didn't
    I'm a mercenary
    You ain't got a prayer, you owe meeee
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee, me
    So now its over for you
    Yo yo
    Check it out
    Oh no you didn't
    First you tried to trap me
    Then you bust a cap in, my ######
    Oh no you didn't
    Such humiliation will bring annihilation, at last
    Oh no you didn't
    It will be delicious when I get vicious, tomorrow
    Oh no you didn't
    There's no seccond chances
    You will do the dance of sorrowwwww
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee, me
    So now its over for you
    What a foo
    Aight common
    Oh no you didn't
    Betta watch your back boy, keep runnin'
    This aint just a game, I'll never stop comin'
    I got my arsenal
    I put out the call
    And when I'm finished ya'll
    You'll be a rag doll
    Fool tried to diss me
    Now you're gonna wish you were dead
    Oh no you didn't
    After I deliver your blood will be a river of red
    Oh no you didn't
    Better be aware when nones there to defend you
    Oh no you didn't
    So many wish to kill its going to be a thrill to end youuuuuu
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee me
    So now its over for you

    Copified and pastified from another site of some sort.
  11. Noxryn
    I have recently updated my epic Angels Among Us. Somehow I did the first chapter really good and I just don't know how it had the least grammatical mistakes along with someone's favorite...the answer eludes me. (Go check it out! I beg of you! If you would like a link it would be in my sig which leads to my library and from there the link to the epic exists, I just need some reviews and reviewers so I can at least feel motivated to continue it)
    I went swimming yet again, after that boredom ensued, I read 100 pages of The Clone Republic which IMO is quite a fun read.
    I'm going to see a movie on Friday be it The Mummy, or Hancock (I'm hoping for the latter)
    -In other news Kachz is leaving the site for an idefinate amount of time and I would just like to say that I am sad for his leaving, but life comes first and if he thinks it is the best thing to do, I would have to agree.
    -In more news I have th ejob of shamelessly advertising the Unexpected RPG in CoT to any who wish to play. I'm having fun with it, but recently it has grinded to a halt due to some inactive players and I can't do much. I would appreciate it if any of you RPG players would go and maybe just check it out.
    (Not my RPG BTW)
    That's all I have to say...
  12. Noxryn
    Well for starters I saw the Batman Movie today, but I left the movie theatre too early as the news people came in filming around the very theatre I had been in a few hours prior. It was a very good movie and I reccomend it, as long as you are okay with psychotic clowns and gunfire.
    I had gone bowling, got crushed and played another round, still got crushed again. Bowling isn't my thing, but it is quite fun.
    What else, What else... I played Monopoly, lost ridiculously, but I can live with that. I came here to post my entry, and that's pretty much it for the day. (Tomorrow I am getting book Two in the Soldier son Trilogy titled "The Forest Mage", the series is very good so far and I reccomend it to any readers out there)
  13. Noxryn
    This all at the same moment, and I felt like typing up a entry to try and rid myself of such things;
    - A sickish like feeling, why? I don't know... it may be from something I've simply wrote and actually felt sad about.. maybe, and no I have never wrote something to where I feel any sort of emotion towards, although according to others they do. I suppose I finally broke that limit, and felt bad for what I wrote, but fixing it... well screw that. It would ruin everything, and in a way this is technically a good sign, I just don't like it so much <<
    - A tad bit somewhat angry, of course not enough for it to make me seeth and destroy stuff, just enough for me to feel a bit frustrated over something I cannot control, and simply put I am torturing myself with the thought and it just won't leave.
    - Frightened; not anymore, but earlier... it was a dream yes, but so freakin' realistic I woke up screaming. I don't know what caused such a thing or why, and no this has absolutely never happened and no I am not sick nor do I have any "disorders" nor have I watched/read anything to trigger such a thing. In short... heck I don't know how to say it in short. However, I will refrain from talking about it as such discussion is not allowed on BZP... it was just an experiece I felt like sharing. So do not ask about it please.
    - Sad, same reason with the bit of swelled anger, however I cannot control this as I cannot bring the dead back to life, nor can I reverse history. It will pass over time... but I hate the year it's taking to finally ease up. I have a gut feeling part of this actual reason has something to do with a few recent nightmares- of which I normally enjoy as it gets my creative side going... but these last few... I just don't even wish to talk about them. And for the reason for this "Sadness and Anger" is the same reason why I had to leave DotT and TFD for a period of time. I wish it never happened.
    - that's it for now.
  14. Noxryn
    I need to
    -focus as hard as possible on school this year, didn't last year so much and messed up in some things, not too badly however, but I need to improve there.
    -Get working on DB SR1 again, progress was halted after I scrapped everything and I've been stuck in writer's block and I need to end that.
    -Buy Iron Angel the next time I am at a book store.
    -I really need to be more responsible for somethings, that will become number two priority just under school stuff.
    -Go to a Brickfair thing in the next two years... I hope more for this than need it.
    -Start off art and such and get better at it, tutorials and such have helped greatly, but I'm gonna need an actual teacher at some point in order to be good at it <<
    -Plan further ahead... I don't plan. That needs to change.
    -Stick to a schedule. Life is crazy as is, and BZP along with other sites keep me busy... I need times to sort out my day outside of school.
    -Get a bedtime. I can't keep going to sleep so late, that'll just hurt my chances with anything.
    -Become more acquainted at school so I don't feel so nervous going there (I've only been there for one day, day two is tomorrow and geeze I am still so nervous ><)
    -Keep promises, and stick with what I do on the web as well in life. It hasn't been so easy, but I've manged in the past by some miracle.
    -Save money for bigger things in life rather than blow it all on my small hobbies. Books are exempt cuz they help a lot.
    -Be more careful about health and such... I've been slacking off lately and eating too many sugary foods for my own good.
    -Write some more in order to get ideas flowing.
    A few things I need to do/get done or the like.
  15. Noxryn
    First thing:
    The one thing that is incredibly annoying at times in the RPG Request Topic is when material posted in there belongs in one of the other topics, or even a PM. Such as general questions, or questions on the system, or comments that are announcing "That's Spam" when all you'd have to do is report, and all that kind of stuff. Here is where some of that stuff goes.
    General RPG Questions should go in the RPG Topic posted in the main forum by Emperor Kraggh. RPGs are discussed frequently there, and practically anyone in that topic would be able to answer your question. You could post a RPG question in NMQ&A, but most of the time the questions posted there are answered either in the COT Rules, COT RPG Guidelines, or the Pinned RPG topics. And, the RPG Topic is pretty much one of the best places to ask those questions, or even PMing someone if you have a question, but would rather not post it somewhere for some reason.
    However, if you have a question, I suggest checking the following topics: RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh, RPG Guidelines by Toaraga, RPG Request Topic - first post by Sisen, COT RPG Approval System (Discussion) - first post by Sisen, and the COT Rules by the COT Staff. All of those topics practically answer all of your questions. And, a RPG F.A.Q is being put together by the Judges, Sisen's idea, which could and should be referred to before asking questions.
    Specific RPG questions:
    These are questions that are asking about a concept, or a factor in a RPG such as "Should I remove X from my RPG?" or "Do you think X would be cool?" since there are no right or wrong answers, and are asking for opinions of the members, who are the people who play RPGs. These questions mostly go in the RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh, since that is where the games are normally discussed and actually talked about. If you are asking about something a COT RPG Judge said about your game, and it involves it getting approved, then it would go in the RPG Request topic, or even in the Approval Topic (Discussion). I would suggest the latter, however.
    They can also be PMed if you are looking for an individual's opinion on something. These questions generally do not belong in the NMQ&A forum, since it's not asking a question about the site itself, and there are established topics for these questions where the help would get to you by more experienced people in the field, and at a faster pace.
    Posts in the Request and Approval (Discussion) topics:
    Only ever post in the Request Topic if you are:
    -Posting a RPG for approval
    -Saying that you edited your original RPG post to what the Judges said.
    -Helping (Occasionally) with some people, if the Judges missed something.
    -Asking the Judge body as a whole about something they said on your RPG, generally this is clarification.
    DO NOT post in the topic about:
    -Saying something is Spam, guess what? Doing so is spam. Just report posts that are spam or rulebreaking and move on. No comment is necessary.
    -Posting continuously about a RPG which belongs in the RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh.
    -Comments like "Lighten up." or "You should act like..." we know how to act, we know what we are doing. Posting saying that we should "Lighten up" is rude. Our jobs are to be hard on the RPGs, to make sure that when they go through that they are successful. I am sorry if we don't coddle some members, it's not in the job description. We be as nice as the situation allows. I, as an individual, don't like it when people just tell me how I should behave when doing my assigned job, unless what they say is either: From their experience as a Judge, from their experience when dealing with Members with an air of authority, or in a respectful way, or when they're opinion is asked for. Not just out of the blue.
    -Posting Questions on the system, those go in the Approval Topic (discussion).
    -Reposting your RPG rather than editing the original version.
    -Being rude to the Judges example: "THIS IS MY GAME, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." <- Not acceptable behavior.
    These two sections are actually posted in the topic(s), this is just my own words, and my own views, and are taken from actual cases. And also because I felt that some of these should be said, so that people don't continue to mistakenly break these "Rules" or act in a way that is disrespectful.
    General Things:
    -The "Form" in the RPG Guidelines by Toaraga is to separate his post into sections, it is not an actual form of which to submit RPGs. You're supposed to read through that information as it is needed, then separate it into easy to find sections and make it all flow together.
    -The story is important to a RPG, if you don't make the story enthralling, and gripping, it leads to a boring game. The story is also where I determine your level of writing skill(s), style, an whether your actual In Character Posts will be eligible, understandable, and not incredibly hard to follow. If you're missing punctuation, spelling errors (Frequent) or grammar is messed up, I will ask you to fix it.
    -Include the ENTIRE RPG when posting your RPG. I will not ever approve something that is half-finished, or is missing sections that "Will be put in later".
    -Be cooperative, don't be arrogant, prideful or act because you have an ego. Humility is important in someone.
    -Keep your facts straight! Keep ranks in order (Captain is not before Sergeant peoples) and if you want a source for accurate Army information for your RPG, send me an IM and I can send you the site through that, because it's probably one of the most accurate places you'll find the information on ranks, what they mean, look like, do and the authority level. It's not really that hard of a site to find. Keeping Geological facts straight are also important, unless you have a good reason as to why Canada would be located in the middle of the U.S, don't try to pull it since it only makes people go "Lolwut?".
    ~This is the view of COT RPG Judge The Comedian (Spink) and are not necessarily views of the other Judges.
  16. Noxryn
    I dread sleeping. I hate it now for all it holds for me are horrid images that stay implanted in my mind the next day. According to some it turns out I talk and thrash about in my sleep, doesn't help in any way to know that, in fact I wish I was still oblivious to that.
    I'm only frightened in sleep, when I'm awake I simply know that it's all fake and can't possibly happen, of course I have asked myself... if it's probable.
    Of course it is somewhat far fetched, but depending on how you see things it could be probable. Of course I can't go in detail or even discuss it here, but I had to mention it as in a way it frightens me for my health as there's no way such things can be healthy.
    I think whatever it is I caught (I think it's a cold, but I wouldn't know not having been sick for seven years) had something to do with it, but that's all speculation. Of course I will not be able to tell a doctor of such nightmarish visions of what can only be described... well it actually can't be... not properly however.
    Besides for my sleepless nights, my grades in school have been solid As so far, that's good. Even my tests are As and A+s, on my French I scored little under one hundred, Math is still unknown, but I got a perfect in History.
    Of course, over the internet I can actually act like nothing big happens as that's just how I am, I tend to forget about things until they loom over my head, and that's the one aspect I hate and yet like about me. It keeps thoughts of these recent horrors away, but it also keeps me from remembering to do things. All I can hope for is that these are just simply stages, of which I'll just get over.
    I just can't shake the fact that no one else I ever knew had such dreams at night... I dunno what to think of it, but I just had to say that to get it all off of my chest and so I can carry on with life and stuff.
    -If you leave a comment let's stay out of dream discussion... I doubt it will as I simply just refferred to that I had nightmares, but still... I'd be forced to lock up the entry.
    Well... g'night whenever it is I feel good enough to go to sleep.
  17. Noxryn
    There's no section on the school's website for Animation Class D=
    Well, there are sections, but none of them are the ones I'm affiliated with... basically, my teacher either forgot, or I'm hallucinating my third period class. Wheeee~
  18. Noxryn
    I hate it when I try to get a song stuck in my head, it doesn't work. But when I don't want one in there... it just keeps on going in some infinite loop of annoying sounds.
    But, oh well.
  19. Noxryn
    So today I learn that our French class has the choice to go to Paris [France] over summer break. Looking at the whole thing, I'd miss a day of school, but it'd be awesome regardless of that small factor.
    Now the question is...
    Can I go? I don't know, it costs $2100 [which isn't that bad, going to BFair was a little under that to be honest] and it more depends on whether or not both of my parents agree on it. The fact that they never agree on anything makes it hard, but oh well.
    Oh, and I learned that the place where my mom works -- her boss is trying to schedule a four day conference in DC early August, early as in from August 4 -- 9 and if that goes through then plane tickets and hotel tickets are free which brings the cost of going down to $600 -- $700 dollars annnd because of the dates, that would mean that I'd get to go to BFair 2010. This is not set in stone, and I'd probably only be able to go to BFair in August of 2010 if the conference is scheduled for the area. If not, then my France trip will probably suck up the money to go anyways... or maybe not, depends on how things end up playing out.
    An interesting thing; my friend from Texas went to NYC and had incredibly long hair [Last time I saw him -- he was bald] and I just learned that he's going into his High School's ROTC program and has to shave it off anyway. Just an interesting tidbit is all.
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