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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. I just got the joke.... heh.... welll.... I'm slow at these things

  2. I just have to review Outbreak currently... I just need to get around to digging it up, looking at it and going through it and stuff. Though, it is closed, but I know the person who created it and helped create that RPG XP

  3. I just have to state that I am excited for BrickFair XP

  4. I just noticed that we have had the "new" BZP for a year and about three months... I keep thinking it was longer than that =P

  5. I just noticed that your name is orange. o.O. Awesome.

  6. Noxryn

    I just noticed, you got that one News Talkback (Mar 22 09) in a white box o.O

  7. I know >8D

    Howza 'bout you?

  8. I know how to use it, having taken classes on weapon safety and all that jazz.

  9. I know it's crazy, like the giant cloud of friends in the profiles .__.

  10. I know! It is scary

  11. I like my spleen in the location it is in, noming not needed. *looks around*

  12. I might, things have just been hard to keep track of which was why I had pretty much halted in there...

  13. I must find it then.

  14. I needz ur axe for Tuesday....

  15. I never see you online D=

  16. I read your interests unnecessarily of course.

  17. I read your interests. And upon doing such a feat I am supposed to say that I did so in a comment. So yay me.

  18. I refuse to pay such an outrageous amount! Good day kind sir!

  19. I remembered you =D

  20. I screwed up when trying to go with "Spinkmeister" I really hate my mouse

  21. I see you went through with the yellow box avvie. :D

  22. I sent a message back on that, but I guess it got kicked off your comments page/not approved. Yes, I do play Call of Duty [4 & 5].

  23. I smile everytime I come here :)

  24. I think most companies need better costumer service =P


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