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~The Joker~

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Everything posted by ~The Joker~

  1. If you request one. in the shop, with a sprite.

  2. becuase if you could make your own card, then I would get no posts in my shop. people have to post to get my cards, that's the deal.

  3. You are not allowed to make your own ID card.

  4. Awsome. I really didn't like stuarts' style.
  5. yeah, so now I've got to convince B6 to beleive the truth.

  6. he got on my computer, and tried to log in to his account with 5 different passwords.

  7. I vote for scorpion kings'. (removed for reasons stated later)-Koji
  8. Master Tahu X, I lost proto becuase my stupid cousin tried to log into B6's account, and B6 never beleived the truth.

  9. ~The Joker~


    heck, I'm tired from waking up in the morning too early for school. what time do you get up for school? I get up at 6:00.
  10. ~The Joker~

    August Update

    six heroes thought gone for sure? the rahaga?
  11. how come your not?

  12. you name copier.

  13. ~The Joker~

    Tigs 2.0

    Yea, I know the old ones suck eggs. so I made these. Topic. discuss there.
  14. ~The Joker~


    I asked Binky. I turned it back to positives, it wasn't working out the way I wanted it to. I'm closing this now.
  15. ~The Joker~


    He he, I have -3165 posts now. I'm the lowest lifeform on mata-nui. But not on metru-nui...
  16. I'm legend because I had my post count changed?

  17. here is a short blog contest for everyone to enter. Build 'Captian Tigs'. yep, that's right, Captian Tigs will most likely be my username when I change back, and along with it, I have new sprites. so build captian tigs, anyway you want. post your entry pic here, and I will add it. follow all bbc rules, and the deadline will be August 15th. so start building!
  18. I'm almost finished with the lower part, I had to substitute the feet with rahskshi feet instead of metruen bodies though. EDIT:I have the general head built now, I'm going to tweak it a bit, then the head will be done!
  19. ok, so I've decided to be more open with my coins. (no, you can't make your own candy coins. ) anyways, so I started this entry in hopes that people will post they're coin ideas. everyone can do it, just post a coin idea. This doesn't mean you idea will be made into a coin, but if it's a really good idea, I might consider it. and to refresh everyone's memory, here is the list of workers. 1.~Xs~ 2.Necro 3.Hakama 4.Takorii 5.Potaka 6.Odarca 7.Dr. Bojangles and, just to get this out of the way of discussion, no, I don't need anymore workers right now.
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