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~The Joker~

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Everything posted by ~The Joker~

  1. ok, here's the deal, we will accept one (1) entry per member, with one, or two mocs, but they msut be of me, odarca, or both. you have from today to april 23rd at 11:00 pm me and odarca will judge on who is the best, and the winner will get a special suprise avatar. (it's worth it) 1) Your entry may not have been published prior to the start of this contest. You may make your own topic before posting in the official entry thread, but you must create a post in the entry topic before it is closed in order to be officially entered. You may only start one topic for your entry. Please post only one main pic in this entry thread and a link to the rest of the pics in the gallery on your image host (most likely brickshelf). You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. 2) Don't PM the contest host unless you have to. Ask questions in this topic and the host or an assistant will answer it. 3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC. 4) Only one entry per member. You cannot switch or modify models mid contest. Once you have entered, you may not "un-enter" your models and enter new ones. You may opt to bow out of the contest for whatever reason but you cannot reenter under such a situation. If you get disqualified for any reason, you will not be allowed to reenter with another MOC in that contest. 5) Any flaming will result in disqualification from the contest. Competition is good if you keep it clean. Everyone play fair, NO WHINING, no insults. I reserve the right to DQ any entry at any time for any reason. 6) Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING! Anyone found to be cheating or even suspected of cheating will face immediate disqualification from this contest and will be banned from participating in future contests. They will likely also be banned from the site. Mods know this information, so you're not fooling anyone but yourself by thinking you can get away with it. We run a check on people with multiple accounts too, which is an offense that results in banning from BZP entirely, aside from the contest... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, Clikits, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! 8) Discussion is encouraged. Feel free to ask questions about models you see or about the contest in general. This is for us, the BBC builders; let's have some fun with it. 9) The contest is open to all BZP members, and voting is open to all BZP members to participate in even if they did not enter an MOC. "Advertising" your MOC is fine by making a signature or avatar reminding people to vote for you, but mass-PMing is frowned upon. So is advertising your MOC in someone else's thread. Spamming may result in proto loss or even post-count reductions ... don't do it. ok, so, unless odarca has anything else to add, then start building! I have Nothing to add. -Odarca NEW EDIT:well, the deadline has come and gone, that was a sad contest. Very sad indeed. Maybe if more people visited this blog... -Odarca
  2. topic:here. pic:Here. he is Nade, toa of lemons.
  3. ~The Joker~


    Thanks a ton tufi, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong with surprise pbzps, it does feel like I've been put down a whole lot in the past week, it just hurts.
  4. ~The Joker~


    Didn't DV finish off one? But I agree. Effort should be rewarded. Apperently not anymore. I don't see how this is wrong. The Admins have kept this site running long and well. What's wrong with gratitude? It's not like they haven't deserved it. I have nothing against showing gratitude to the admins. I have issues with the fact that the people PBZP admins because they have some crazy idea that it will get them in good favor with our lords and masters. I think that's wrong. That's not how I see it at all. The only way you get 'popular' on BZP is to continually release somewhat quality MOCs. Because in the end (unless we're reffering to a BBC contest), people are going to like a MOC that's interesting that a name. And if you do it often enough, your name becomes synonymous with your style of MOCing. If you release five good MOCs and 21 stinkers, yeah people will post in your topic(s), but you'll be forgotten in less than a month. This is how I think people think. Odd cycle, yes. True? Quite possibly. You're right. It doesn't work. So why would someone attempt a form of obvious flattery knowing it's destined to fail? I've seen people do stranger things. I'm pretty sure that when most people attempt to form a PBZP line, they tend to admire or respect the people they choose to represent. They just don't select a member at random. They'll pick a member that has had some sort of impact on their stay at BZP. But what if you wanted to surprise a friend with a PBZP? Or acknowledge a staff member, but are too shy or nervous to out right ask them? I had a PBZP planned long ago before I was a staffer, and I was terrified to ask some of the Staff I wanted to portray. Additionally, I've been MOCed before. Not asked either. The MOC didn't come out to represent me in ways I thought it should. However, I was still greatful for the effort and time. And if some people can't appreciate that sort of gratitude, maybe it's not the MOCer's fault. As stated below, surprising a friend, all fine and dandy. If you perhaps want to surprise an Admin, yeh, thats cool. But all of them? Seems a little over the top. Again, I don't believe someone'll just take a name at random and celebrate them. They're more likely to choose someone who has done something in the past to make BZP memorable for them. Again, I highly doubt it. Let's take Tigs last PBZP. Xemnix. As apparent by his post here, he didn't seem to happy about it. I doubt Xemnix made BZP special for Tigs. Thanks on that last quote, all I was trying to do was make a moc of him, and someone even told me he likes to be pbzped, and I got nothing showing that he was happy, he just told me the negative stuff, and it hurt. I didn't mind anyone saying that the line was thrown together, I see how that has happened, and I'm taking all that advice (look at the one I have made for my new line, big improvement) I just wish that when I pbzp someone that I get some good stuff to. (and I didn't know you were supposed to ask them if they wanted to be pbzped) and I still got blamed.
  5. ~The Joker~


    Ah, Tigs and him PBZPing YamiYugi, yeh? I know. It irrtates me so. Exactly! Defeats the soul of it all, I tell ya... This is why I put "PM me" in the line... whats wrong with that? I wasn't trying to offend anybody. how did it irritate you?
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