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Kevin Owens

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Kevin Owens

  1. All true, but not what I was looking for.

  2. Cookie to whoever gets the meaning of my name

  3. Yes to the first and yes to the second so long as they are femalePr

  4. Yes, well. Those people weren't me, now were they?

  5. Not if I have anything to do with it

  6. I'll see both of your souls absorbed and banished to the shadow realm if you keep this up.

  7. You'll always be kitty-san to me :3

  8. Ive got class. Hopefully be back soon after 3

  9. Sorry, I've been busy with school and right now I'm at a leadership conference. I'll hopefully be on more soon.

  10. Just dropping in to tell you that you're awesome

  11. Don't be afraid to ask ^_^

  12. If you can't find them I can always PM you a link to a site that streams them ^_^

  13. Eh, it might have been a later one. Maybe 5 or six. I dunno. Once you go through all 50 some odd episodes the cat chase one seems in the far past=P

  14. So that's ep 3. Please finish it so that way I'm not the only one on BZP to see it =P

  15. Seriously? What ep are you on?

    I'm seriously nerding out. I've never met anyone else who's ever watched code geass before ._.

  16. Ignore Kittan. You need to watch Code Geass first.

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