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Kevin Owens

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Kevin Owens

  1. Have you considered that it might be the other way around? Maybe your kindness and awesomeness bled out onto us.

  2. It's only for the first episode. Don't worry =P

  3. Well, it's kinda hard to blend in when you radiate as much awesome as you do. =P

  4. But I already gots the Tsukasa, isn't that enough?

    And I'm actually surprised somebody read my interests =P

  5. What, don't you like it D:

  6. You could send the image to me and I could make it into a banner for you if you want.

  7. Nice Haruhi avatar yourself.

  8. Well, it might not be much. But I tried my best with Gimp. You can see the results in my sig.

  9. Well, if I can ever get photoshop to work I am. =P

  10. I'll admit, your proposal tempts me. I'm not really in the mood to be ninja'd.

    Unfortunately I must decline. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a banner to make.

  11. *is tempted to make a "Mikiru is better/cooler/awesomer than I am" banner*

  12. I still think you're awesomer though =P

  13. *ti-ti-ti-ti-titter breaker*

  14. *titters because tittering is AMAZING*

  15. *titters because tittering is the new giggle.*

  16. *titters at Ka-Chan*

  17. NUUUU! I'M SORRY ;_______;

  18. It was a slip of the tongue, honest ._.


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