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Kevin Owens

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Kevin Owens

  1. Yes, all hail the interwebz, king of the UNIVERSE!

  2. Who needs the real world when you have the internet?

  3. Agree'd. Who cares about important issues in life when you can just have fun?

  4. Heh, I know how you feel. My mom gets on me about my room, but heaven have mercy if my image folders aren't sorted and labeled meticulously.

  5. So I take it you like to sort things too? I try to sort my stuff but always end up disheartened halfway through XD

  6. Heh, I lost my YGO deck a long time ago which had all of my good cards. I never had the heart to get back into it. I think I still have all my extras up in the attic.

  7. I was real big on those too. Until I moved away from all my friends that played MtG that is. TCG tend to be less apealing when you have no one to play with =P

  8. Yeah, I know how you feel. My mom gets all frustrated when I buy more bionicles.

  9. If we're talking about old sets, then no, not really. Your best bet would be eBay or something like that.

    If we're talking about the newer sets, I just wait until they start putting them on clearance in order to make room for the newer ones. Granted you're not getting the latest pieces when everyone else is getting them, but it still beats out paying 13 bucks a set.

  10. Nah, it's cool. I do it sometimes too.

  11. You double commented =O

  12. I saw in the last seen thing in your statistics =P

  13. And yes, they are the greatest onua edits ever, aren't they? Go ahead. Feel free to laud my genius.

  14. Oh trust me. It is. You should check it out so I'm not the only one who's seen it =P

  15. I take that back. Keep on talking. I enjoy conversing with you ._.

  16. It's about dolls fighting to see who will become the perfect doll known as Alice.


  17. It's amazing. I love it to death and it's my favorite anime of all time.

  18. Always needs moar of the following

    1. Rozen Maiden

    2. Lucky Star

    3. TTGL

    In that order.

  19. I do now be quiet and accept the fact that you're amazing >:(

  20. Why did I choose today to wear print?

  21. You should always finish what you start =P

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