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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    Hey, what do ya know, it's Sunday! And that means another Thingamabob Of The Week! So, after chrunching the numbers, sweating furiously, eating my finger nails, and waiting after I had gotten a bazillion board messeges I finally have it. Read on to find out...'cause you know you want to...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Seran and Kyrahkk built by who else than Seranikai! The Brickshelf folder can be seen here. 
    This MOC was made for BBC #34, and looks strangely enough like Vezon and Fenrakk (but being a million times better). Seran, the rider, is fairly simple, but it uses a clever torso design that Seranikai used for a number of his Toa Xion MOCs. Kyrahkk (yes, it's spelled with two K's at the end), the steed, has a freakishly creepy, amazing, and full-of-teeth, head, that, in my mind, has one of the best uses for tubes that I've ever seen. Kyrahkk features a longer neck than Fenrakk, making it much more articulate. He (I'm assuming it is a he) also has very powerful-looking front and back legs, with a great use of Bohrok eyes on the front legs. His torso is very shapely, and it gives him and overall "awesome" feel.
    In short, Seranikai made an awesome MOC, even though it was made a long while ago. Way to go Seranikai!
  2. -SZ-
    I saw the movie! Man, it was awesome, but it wasn't anything like the trailers showed it to be. It wasn't a thing like "Narnia", it was more like a family drama. Anyway, the acting was great, the kids (Josh Hutcheson and AnnaSophia Robb) were better than the adults. Their acting was so...effortless. The storyline started out very Disney-esque, but as it progressed it turned out not to be one, which is a good thing. It was a good movie and I'd give it an 8.5/10.
    Has anyone read the book? I'd like to read it, since I saw the movie, but I don't know if it's any good. For all those of you who have read it I'd like to hear your opinions, whether to read the book or not.
    In other news, I'm boiling here in Georgia, it's gotta be, like, 85.
  3. -SZ-
    Ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you the strangest thing your eyes will ever feast on. It comes from the deep dungeons of SZ's room, and it is the most terrifying, incredible, unusual, and amazing MOC in the whole history of MOCs. I give you...
    The smallest St. Louis Arch that can possibly be made out of LEGO pieces! NO WAI

    So yeah, that's how I decided to celebrate.

  4. -SZ-
    Yet another BBC Contest has gone by, and yet another time where I have not gotten past the first round. *sigh* And it's really depressing this time because I believe that I made one of my best MOCs for this contest.
    In other news, I'm trying to get to 2000 posts before I get my one-year Vahi. Hopefully I'll be able to do it.
    Also, I think that on Saturday I'll be posting my GREATEST MOC (I think). I think you all are going to like it very much. And I'll even give you a hint at what it is; it's a revamp. Yup, I'm seem to be good at those...I think. Just be expecting it.
  5. -SZ-
    I've been thinking about this for awhile (meaning two hours ) and I've decided that I'd like to try to make a comic series here on BZPower. I know, it's very shocking...
    But there's a problem, I don't have the slightest clue how to use sprites. So, I'm asking for help, someone to be a Co-Creator of this comic series. Basically what he/she would be doing is just doing the sprites (I'd perfer InnerRayg's newest version, but it's up to you) and backrounds, while I write the story. I'll need you to be able to respond to my PMs quickly (in about a day or so), and I'll need you to be around on BZPower a lot. Now, if you are interested in this job I'd like for you to post in this entry saying that you're interested and then PM me.
    Now, just so that you know, this may just be a spur of the moment thing for me, it may not last that long.
    EDIT: Shine may be doing it, so don't get your hopes up too much.

  6. -SZ-
    Yes, it's true, I'm following a growing Blog fad by doing a "Thingamabob of the Week", and weekly too. Basically what this is is that I award a "Bionicle-related something" (whether it be a MOC, drawing, epic, topic, etc...) each week. So, who be the first weeks' winner? Read on...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « "Save the Penguins" drawn by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. This is an explanation from her website: Seriously, how could you resist that face?  

  7. -SZ-
    You know that torso problem I was talking about in my old entry, well, it's fixed. Yup. Fixed.
    I hope.
    No all I need to do is add some finishing touches and it'll be done, not like it'll matter anyway, because, well... have you seen Shanny's entry? Wow, we're all ruined.

  8. -SZ-
    So yeah, I had some...issues, but now I'm okay.
    But I still won't be on BZPower as much as I use to, but you can still send me your PMs!
    Anyway, my BBC #41 entry is a disaster, a major one at that. It has major torso issues. Torsos are always my problem, I can never get them right. And LEGO always seems to have great torsos, like Brutaka, Makuta, and Hydraxonn, how could I ever make anything like that? This theme kinda makes you have more respect for the designers, seeing what they have to go through.
    But anyways, at least my BBC #41 entry has an awesome weapon.

  9. -SZ-
    There have been so many topics in the past few weeks and months that have been proclaiming that Bionicle just keeps getting worse and worse, but why? Bionicle is a whole lot better than it was in 2001, and lemme prove that:
    2001: We had 5 Rahi, 6 Toa, and 6 Turaga. The Rahi were great, and I admit that, but for some reason they did not sell well at all. But here's where everything goes down. The Toa were not that good, they were very stiff, they were very hard to pose, and there legs were much too skinny. Sure Tahu was good, and Kopaka, Lewa, and Gali were okay, but they had oddly shaped limbs, but then there's Pohatu who was really fat, and Onua who's head was sticking out of his chest. Yes, the Toa did have gears, but all they did was move their arms up and down. Then there's the Turaga, they were the worst, they were very, very stiff, impossible to have a different pose, and they were flat. Not so good. I rate 2001 7/10, mainly because of the Rahi.
    2002: We had 6 Toa, 6 Bohrok, 6 Bohrok Va, Cahdok and Gahdok, Exo Toa, and the Boxer. The Toa were much improved, but still lacked movability. The Bohrok were neat looking, but they were clones and they couldn't move that well either, and their gears made them smack their head...freaky. Cahdok and Gahdok were okay, but they were much too fat. Don't even get me started on the Bohrok Va, they were just...bleh. The Exo Toa was too stiff too, but the Boxer was cool, and had an awesome punching action. I rate 2002 6.5/10.
    2003: We had 6 Bohrok-Kal, 6 Rahkshi, and 4 Titans. The Bohrok-Kal looked great, but they were the exact same thing as the Bohrok, not a good choice by LEGO. The Rahkshi, however, were very impressive, they had a whole range of movements, and they had one of the coolest collectibles (IMO) the Kratta. The Titans were a great move by LEGO, they were all unique, and not one was better then the other, but they did have problems. Takanuva cost too much, Makuta's legs were not built well at all, Pewku and Guko (sp?) both looked like he was missing something. I rate 2003 8/10, it was much better than 2001 and 2002 combined.
    2004: We had 6 Toa, 6 Vahki, 6 Matoran, and 3 Titans. The Toa finally could move, these were one of the best Toa yet. The Vahki were fine, but all in all they were built too much like the Rahkshi, and they also could've used more movability. The Matoran were much better than the old ones, they could move a little better, and they had the awesomest torso armor. The Titans were pretty good for the most part. Nivawk had a very cool wing-flapping action, and he is still the tallest Titan to date. Nidhiki was pretty good, but I would've liked if his legs could move. But Krekka was just plain bad. He was too fat, hard to balance, too short, and his Kanoka launcher action didn't even work half the time. I rate 2004 8.5/10, it was only better than 2003 because there was more movability.
    2005: We had 6 Toa, 6 Visorak, 6 Rahaga, and 4 Titans. The Hordika weren't all that good, but their only problem was their arms, if they had just been symetrical they would've been much better, but no, they weren't and it ruined the sets. The Visorak were very good, although hard to move, but the were the first sets in awhile that weren't clones. The Rahaga were okay, but they lacked movement like with the 2004 Matoran. But the Titans were almost amazing. Sidorak had a great color scheme, but his torso wasn't buff enough. Roodaka was very good, the only problem with her is her arms, but she's still very good. Keetongu, however, wasn't good at all. He didn't look like a Rahi one bit, he was too fat, and his feet were horrible. Lhikan and Kikanolo as very good though, I have still yet to find a major problem with him. I rate 2005 8/10, not as good as 2004, but still pretty good.
    2006: We had 6 Toa, 6 Piraka, 6 Matoran, and 4 Titans. The Inika are the best Toa sets to ever come out, there was not one bad Inika set, all of them were great. The Piraka were very unique, and very kinda scary, they introduced new and improved armor colors and they had great legs. The Matoran were interesting, to put it lightly, they were all unique, but yet they all had there problems. The Titans, however, were the best Titans to ever come out. Brutaka has absolutely nothing wrong with him. Axonn was great too, but I would've liked him to be a bit taller. Vezon and Fenrakk were amazing too, I have not found anything wrong with him either. Umbra was pretty good, he had an odd color scheme, but a liked his skates and his staff. I rate 2006 9.5/10, the best year ever.
    2007. We had 6 Toa, 6 Barraki, 2 Matoran and 2 Hydruka, and 4 Titans. The Toa look very interesting, and bit like the Inika, but since they are preliminary I won't say much about them. The Barraki are, hands down, the best canister sets ever. Each one of them is highly unique, and they're all very good sets, I want to buy all of them. The Matoran and Hydruka are very good too, they're the best Matoran yet, I really like their torsos, and the Hydruka are pretty good, but not nearly as good as the Matoran. The Titans, especially Nocturn, are very good. Nocturn I still can't believe is only $15, he could be $20 and I'd still buy him. Maxilos is great too, he looks like he has great movement and his dog is cool too. Gadunka is as good as his name, in other words, not that good, he's a walking head. Hydraxon (sp?) is pretty awesome, he has a clever chest, and I like his head too. But the Titan are all subject to change, so my opinion may change too. I rate 2007 9/10, a very good year.
    Now, after reading all that how can you possibly think that Bionicle is getting worse? It went from 7/10 to 6.5/10 to 8/10 to 8.5/10 to 8/10 to 9.5/10 to 9/10. It's not getting worse, no, by all means, it's getting much better. Well done LEGO, well done.
    By the way, I'm impressed that you got this far.
  10. -SZ-
    [Jedi hand-wave] Pay no attention to the title. [/Jedi hand-wave]

    So there this odd thing called BBC #41 that has just come out. Frankly (not Georgely ), I don't know what to make, or how to make it. I tried making Inika revamps, but then I found out that everyone and his brother had already made revamps for this contest. So, my question to you is: What do I make? I know, I know, I need to think of these things by mayself, I need to be creative, but my main worry is that my entry is going to look like everyone else's.
    I'm going to add another Content Block one of these days, I think it may be a Block with tons o' links in it.
    One more thing, I've realized that almost everyone has the font color that I'm using right now (Kopakalaka, Velenti, and other ransomed random members). So, my other question to you is this: What font color should I change to? Make sure it fits with my avatar and banner.
    Anyone there?
    HOMG! ENTRY #40!
  11. -SZ-
    I stumbled across that emoticon today and realized that it's the awesomest emo on BZP!

    He's doin' the robot.

    So yeah, our U.S. President, who only 30% of the nation likes, came to Chattanooga yesterday and ate steak...or something. Whipdee-doo.

    Starlight Conflict is the name of my new short story!
  12. -SZ-
    It means I'm bored.
    I HAVE NO SCHOOL! Again...
    So yeah, I've been writing a short story. It's a sad one...again, that is if any of you remember Murdered By A Muaka.
    Anyways, I really wish I could write comedic things. *sigh*
    Oh yeah, I command all of you to go to www.turakii.com. No Turakii didn't put me up to this.
    I'm gonna eat lunch soon!
    dc Talk rox u sox al da tim
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