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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    I just finished an Algebra test in fifteen minutes! Since there are twenty problems in a test, that means I did each problem in less than a minute.
    Yeah, I rock!
    I'm about to watch Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui!
  2. -SZ-
    ^Thanks so much to Sumiki^

    I've just realized a somewhat freaky and somewhat true fact, and it's this: Members actually know who I am? Aaaaahhhhh! It's strange, yes, but true.

    On a more serious note, I never thought that I would ever become known on this site when I first joined. I thought I'd be one of those...well, one of those members who you never even talk about. But Sumiki has shown me that some members know who I am, and I'm happy.


    Remember this? It was from my "What Tahu Does When He Gets Angry" series, which actually turned out not to be a series after all. Anyway, I knida wanted to do something hand-drawn and comedic for AC13. Do you have any suggestions?


    I want to add another content block. Any suggestions?


  3. -SZ-
    Well I had planned on writing a huge rant on how it's okay to offend people (as long as you're doing it for the right reason), but then I decided that I'd save my neck and not write it.
    Do you know what's the funniest, but yet one most deceptive thing is? Tautology. Does anyone here know what tautology is? (Please answer that question.)
    Tautologies are always logically true, but are also worthless. Example: The survivors are alive! Well, duh, of course they're alive, they survived.
    Now you can see why they're funny, but they're also deceptive too.
    When someone uses tautology (whether consiously or unconsiously) they're normally trying to sound like they know everything (but in reality they're just being redundant), and a lot of the time people will end up believing that too. Expect to see this in the upcoming presidential election. Expect the canidates to sound smart by using tautology, and thus lure you in to their campaign.
    Beware of tautology, it's deadly.
    Now I know I didn't explain this very well, no, not at all, but I do hope it helps you in life.

    Oh yeah, my life is sooooooooo boring, all I do is school and MOC.
  4. -SZ-
    Not to be confused with the movie, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World."
    So yeah, I'm sippin' my hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate...and...um...it's hot.
    But it's G-E-W-D.
    Um...I'm bored, but not board. Hahaha...yeah, not funny.
    Anyway, I feel like doing something creative, but I really can't think of anything. Maybe I'll just MOC.
    Oh yeah, I just wanted to tell all of you something: I HAD NO SCHOOL TODAY*
    *For reasons of which I'm not allowed to tell you.

  5. -SZ-
    We had a dusting of snow last night!
    But the bad news is that it's now getting too warm and it's melting.
    But it least it looked...white.

  6. -SZ-
    My parents are so awesome. I wouldn't want anyone else in the whole, wide world to be my parents but them...
    And if you're one of those people who think that your parents aren't so awesome, just remember this: If it wasn't for them you wouldn't be here.
  7. -SZ-

    I must say, for $15 he's a HUGE bargin. LEGO could've priced him at $20 and I still would've bought him! He's the best $15 LEGO set ever put out! I mean it too.
    Expect upcoming MOCs with lime-green, crystal-blue, and Takadox-blue.
    Also, it's looks like he may be the best Titan this year. Sad, ain't it?

  8. -SZ-
    When you enter a sports arena or field to see a game, whether it be basketball, football, baseball, soccer, hockey, or whatever, you are aware that there will be referees (sometimes umpires) directing the game. Now, the referees have been trained to enforce the rules of that sport, and it is the players and the fans job to respect their judgements. You have agreed that the referees will enforce the rules, you have agreed that they'll be the ones making the calls, not you or the players. So it is your job, as I said before, to resecpt their judgements no matter what they call or what they say.
    So, if you ever yell or yelled at the referees at a game, you are/were the one doing the wrong thing, not the referees. So please, from the bottom of my heart, do not yell at the referees. It's wrong.
    Now, this doesn't mean that the referees always make the right call, no, they're human, they make mistakes. And if you do have a problem with a call made by a referee you can deal with it quietly and in an orderly fashion.
    This also can be applied to the Admins and Mods of BZPower. It's their job the enfore the rules of BZPower. But they do make mistakes, they're human, and if you do have a problem do not yell or make a public scene, deal with it quietly and in a orderly fashion.
    Thus ends my rant, my first real one. And what have we learned from this rant?
    Look at the title, silly.
  9. -SZ-
    I don't know how this happened, but I think I've just accidentally created a self-MOC. I don't know how it happened, I was just foolin' around with some pieces and ideas, and I came up with...me. I know it's me. Don't ask how though, I just know it.
    Ever get that feeling? Nah, thought not.
    Anyway, I'll give you a little description of what it's like...or something like that.
    It has fingers!

    It just happens to be my first MOC with fingers. Wierd, huh?
    Anyway, here's the BIG news of the day...sort of: Be expecting two MOCs (including my self-MOC) in the near-ish future. Isn't that exciting?
    By the way, does anyone even care about all this info?

  10. -SZ-
    Insted of signing out with, "SZ" I'm going to signout with, "SZ". It's bold!
    The Jedi do not like Leet. I've changed the use of it to a proper word, but I think you should re-take a look over here.
    Told you it was the decision of the century.
    By the way, here's proof. LINK

    EDIT: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I should know better than that. Sorry.

  11. -SZ-
    If you have not yet seen Fatso (see below entry) please do.
    So, after you've looked at Fatso I now want to ask you a question. What do you think of my MOCing, or in other words, how good (or bad) of a MOCist am I? Please do not sugarcoat it, or say something nice when you really think something else. I want to know how bad I am. I want to improve. I want to know how my MOCing really is, because I get the feeling (although it may not be true) that some members aren't being completely honest when they post in one of my MOC topics. I'm not saying all members do this, but I think some do.
    You can use number ratings, compare me to Cajun ( ), you could elaborate...or you could do whatever you want to do. Just tell me how my MOCing is.
    In other news, Mr. Groundhog said we'd have a mild winter, but who believes in that hogwash anyway?
  12. -SZ-
    It snowed! It snowed! It snowed!
    Last night it snowed a good two inches! It covers the grass! This is our first good snowfall in four years.

    But school's not closed, because I'm homeschooled. Darn.
    But it snowed!
  13. -SZ-
    Sadly enough, I will not be sending any of my MOC to Brickfest this year, and probably never. Why? Because I have the worst fear that my pieces will never return...ever.
    I know, I know, Omi and KIE will always take good care of my pieces, and it's not that I don't trust them, but my fear is just too overwhelming. Sad ain't it?
    I wish I could go to Brickfest, because if I did I'd totally bring a couple MOCs, but I'm in Georgia, not Oregon.
    Speaking o' which, how many places (countries and/or states) have you lived in? I have lived in Arkansas, Virginia, Tennessee, and now Georgia, but my family has lived in many more than these.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « That's from the Barraki log on Bionicle.com. It seems clear, at least to me, that Makuta is now trasnformed into a fish. What do you think?
  14. -SZ-
    I've finally calmed down over yesterday's entry, but it wasn't easy. Both Turakii and TSTLT both convinced me that it didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
    Mikey says to check this out. LINK By the way, Mikey, it's "P.P.S." not "PSS", since it's "Post post script".
    For all those members who are wondering if/think I'm doing another PBZP the answer no, no way. I want to do different things than what every other member (or so it seems) is doing on BZP.
    Also, I'm thinking of maybe, just possibly, changing my screenname. But I most likely won't. But if I do, do any of you out there have any suggestions? Alright, no name change. I like -SZ- anyway, it's sooooo...SZ-ish.
    I went to Wally-World today, but they didn't have Nocturn. Oh well, I probably won't buy him anyway, I have to save my money, I'm going to need to pay for car insurance soon anyway, and by soon I mean two years.
    One more thing, rate my blog...please?
  15. -SZ-
    How could I have been so stupid!?!
    I linked to dead topics in my PBZP topic, and now *insert member name here* has gone and posted in all of 'em! :angry:
    I'd like to say sorry to all of you staff members, especially Kex, because now he'll have to lock all of them. I really didn't want them all locked.
    Man, I even posted in my PBZP topic to NOT post in those topics! *insert member name here* needs to read the rules, and the reminder in my topic. But most of all, I need to stop being so stupid! How could I have done that!?! And been that stupid!?!
    I'm so mad and angry right now, so please excuse me for being rash.
    Hence the "ARGH".
  16. -SZ-
    Today I was lookin' through the entry list of BBC #40, and I found Seran's Knight of Temperence MOC. I looked at it for awhile as the memory of this MOC returned to my mind, but then I noticed something that I hadn't seen before...the feet. WOW! Those things are amazing! They fit absolutely perfectly with the MOC, and they just look so dang good. I'm amazed!
    For further reference, look here. LINK
    So, this entry is deticated to Seran, and I want each and every one of you to look at those feet and...um...look at 'em sa'more, 'cause you're looking at, dare I say...the perfect feet.
    Way to go Seran, even if you didn't win BBC #40, you still made awesome feet.
  17. -SZ-
    Never mind all the things you heard about me
    You're never going to understand it
    Every time that I've given you the truth
    It's never made a bit of difference
    Disappointment takes you
    Then the doubt, it breaks you
    It's enough to make you cry

    Always looking for a sign
    Miracles won't change your mind
    Tell me how much evidence you need
    Turning truth into a lie
    Hardened heart and blinded eyes
    All you need to do is just believe

    Never mind what you thing that you had seen
    It all can change in just a moment
    Here before you is all the proof you need
    Why can't you just believe it?
    Disappointment takes you
    Then the doubt, it breaks you
    It's enough to make you cry

    Always looking for a sign
    Miracles won't change your mind
    Tell me how much evidence you need
    Turning truth into a lie
    Hardened heart and blinded eyes
    All you need to do is just believe

    -Third Day


  18. -SZ-
    So I have just finished another MOC and I got to thinking, how do you make MOCs? Do you plan it all out ahed of time? Do you just build and let inspiration strike? What do you do?
    I, myself, find it very difficult to plan out ahed of time how I want the MOC to be. The only thing I sorta plan out is the color scheme of the MOC. So what I do is I break a couple of sets apart, from which the color I want is on, spred them out on the floor and let inspiration strike.
    Normally I'll start off with a simple design of a leg (I like starting off with the legs) and build upon that design. Maybe, if I feel really creative, I'll make a custom lower leg, but normally I won't. If I want the MOC to be tall I'll use either a Rahkshi, Piraka, or Inika lower leg, then I'll connect a hand-piece to the top of the lower leg, and two +0+ and connect another hand-piece to that. After that I'll add on to the upper leg, maybe making a few changes here and there, and then I'll duplicate it to be used as the other leg (I do the feet later).
    The same process that happened with the legs happens with the arms. And then, somehow, I really don't know how, I'm able to make a torso. Torsos are, by far, the hardest part of making a MOC, don't you agree? As I said before, I am really unaware of how I make torsos. I guess I start off with a simple design and work my way up, like with the arms and legs, but other times I just know what and how I want to build the torso and I build it.
    Then I normally make simple feet and slap a mask on the MOC. And the weapons are just beefed up normal weapons, like, for exapmle, Lewa's swords or the Chronicler's staff (spear?).
    So there you have it, that's how I make my MOCs, I know, I probably forgot something, but it's, at least, a little bit of an insiders view.
    Please share how you make your MOCs too, I know you want to.
  19. -SZ-
    Yay, it's my first rant!
    *throws confetti*
    Some of you may have no idea what the title suggests, actually most of you don't, that's why I'm explaining it. Got it?
    How would you normally say the following phrase? "Give me the ball, quick!" or "Give me the ball fast"? Actually neither are true, it's suppossed to be, "Give me the ball quickly".
    Here's another one. "Jack runs slow" or "Jack runs slowly"? Of course you know what it really is, it's, "Jack runs slowly".
    My point is is that most of the time we don't use "l-y" in our speech, and not just in these instances, no, but in many more than these, we're just too lazy to just say it, "l-y". We've done bad.
    Uh, I mean "badly".
    So there it is, my silly rant, laugh at it if you will, but I like it.
    More rants coming soon...
    EDIT: Um yeah, Shine is smarter than I am.
    EDIT 2: So yeah, ToM is smarter than I am too. Basically, everyone can ignore this rant, since it wasn't presented in the right manner.

  20. -SZ-
    Don't write them.
    Or you can be like me and write them, but have them be exploited so many times that you end up having to use a sledge-hammer, well, maybe not a sledge-hammer, maybe something bigger and better, something like a Zamor or a Great Disk or something, I dunno, anyway, you have to use something to get through to the insurmountable pile of...uh...
    what was I talking about again?
    I'll just leave now.
    *quietly walks away*

  21. -SZ-
    So I entered this BBC with the hope that I could just get past the pre-lims, that's it, and I did. So, right now, I don't care if you don't vote for me or not, but in case you're feeling nice, vote for me.
    Justice Poll A, Entry 3. LINK
    I'm losing, and not only losing, I'm losing to a MOC that looks like it's more System then Technic, but who am I to...um...judge.
  22. -SZ-
    Wow, three entries today...
    Anyway, as the title of this blog suggests, I can't think of a good name for this blog. If there's anyone out there who can think of a name please tell it to me.
    Not spam, if you please.
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