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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    On an open stretch of freeway
    Underneath the canvas clouds
    The blackness after evening
    Swallowed everything around
    But just up head on the open horizon
    We caught the faintest glow
    And as we drew near
    It seemed so clear
    That the dark would have to go

    In the center of the city
    Comes the illusion of the day
    When everything looks pretty
    It's easy to think you've found the way
    But it's all just a big masquerade

    It was thirty-six months earlier
    On that same old lonesome road
    And that same old darkness lingered
    Just before the lightning show
    And the thunder cracked down
    And His lightning conquered everything around
    The dark had to flee
    Now the light of the little town
    Was as dark as the night compared to His light

    In the center of the city
    Comes the illusion of the day
    When everything looks pretty
    It's easy to think you've found the way
    But it's all just a big masquerade

    Masquerade - Caedmon's Call

  2. -SZ-
    Or very little of it.
    This has been going on for weeks. "They" say it's due to Ike.
    What. The. Heck.
    Katrina was way worse than Ike, and gasoline flow was just fine. Sure, it went way up in price, but at least it was there!
    This all seems too contrived.
  3. -SZ-
    - HeartMask
    - TowelGirl
    - BrownEyes
    - CreepyGirl
    - TrappedKnight
    - EvilSpyGirl
    - Cheerleader
    - MatchstickGirl
    List is incomplete...
  4. -SZ-
    For all the saints, who from their labors rest,
    Who thee by faith before the world confessed,
    Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might;
    Thou Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight;
    Thou in the darkness drear, their one true light.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    O may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold,
    Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,
    And win with them the victor's crown of gold.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    O blest communion, fellowship divine!
    We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
    Yet all are one in thee, for all are thine.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,
    Steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
    And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,
    Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
    Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost:
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
  5. -SZ-
    I don't know how to explain it
    But I know that words will hardly do
    Miracles with signs and wonders
    Aren't enough for me to prove to you
    Don't you know I've always loved you
    Even before there was time
    Though you turn away
    I'll tell you still
    Don't you know I've always loved you
    And I always will
    Greater love has not a man
    Than the one who gives his life to prove
    That he would do anything
    And that's what I'm going to do for you
    Don't you know I've always loved you
    Even before there was time
    Though you turn away
    I'll tell you still
    Don't you know I've always loved you
    And I always will
    I've Always Loved You - Third Day
  6. -SZ-
    I am a bus driver
    And it's four in the morning,
    And I'm pressing out my clothes beside my bed.
    Fourteen years been on the job and with many miles behind,
    Still I'm up at three thirty to make sure I'm there on time.

    My car gets me along just fine to and from the station,
    But my castle is this Houston Metro Bus.
    My first stop is Ashbury,
    And the sign's been gone for years,
    But all the same the people wait cause they know that I'll be there.

    What would you say if I told you that I won't be by today?
    Would you say that I'm just a bus driver
    And what do I know,
    Just a bus driver
    And what do I know,
    Just a bus driver
    And what do I know?

    Well, I'm always there by five fifteen
    And lately I've been early,
    'Cause Judith likes to be in early to the bank.
    And she gives me conversation and a token good for riding.
    And she's happy all alone.

    And then there's Charles in retail sales;
    And I hope they pay him well
    For the work that young man does,
    'Cause I've never seen the inside
    Of a custom refrigerator,
    But I know he's the first and last one there.

    I wonder what they do all day,
    And their respective works.
    Suppose they give money and take money away.
    Still, I'm just orbiting this town
    With the post office my sun.
    And I'm circling again.

    And I wonder how this world would be
    If I was never here to drive this bus around from Ashbury to Main.
    Suppose this town would be the same,
    But with one bus' less exhaust.
    But that bank and retail stores,
    They just wouldn't be the same.

    But what can I see from the limited confines of my bus driving seat?
    Only me.

    Bus Driver - Caedmon's Call


  7. -SZ-
    You must hate the Mistika! If you don't, you're a moron!
    My opinion is better than yours, not matter what you say!
    Take a wild guess at who I'm imitating.
  8. -SZ-
    First of all, before I say anything review-like, I must say this: The villain small sets are Matoran?!


    Radiak: I'm hoping his torso is iron, because that'd be awesome. Anyway, the first thing I noticed about him is that he was a spider-thing. Huh. Different. Yay. The mask (I THINK it's a mask), however, looks like a Fikou. Um, anyways, love the wings, are they silver? I just wish LEGO hadn't have used Chronicler's staffs again, like they always do. Augh. Annoying. The color scheme is nothing special, it's been done before, but it's still nice. 8/10.

    Gavla: Two-toed claws? Huh? I must admit, they do look very cool, but I feel this is just as useful as the Kalmah-foot-piece. This color scheme is awesome, even though it has been done before (me thinks). The mask is WAY too cool, although it does remind me a bit too much of Vamprah's (which I'll get to in a minute). Oh, and the weapons are way too huge for him/her (I hope it's a "her"). 8/10, again.

    Kirop: I REALLY hope that his arms are silver and not gray, because if they're gray that would just ruin everything, for gray and silver are just too close of colors and they would clash major...ly. The weapons are a nice choice; they seem to fit. And LEGO scores again on the mask; another great one here...freaky-looking eyes. Ahem. 8/10, yet again.

    Antroz: The head freaks me out. Seriously. Awesome. The wings look a little bulky and odd. I see a new torso piece, I wanna get my hands on one of those. The legs are Piraka legs, augh, why can't LEGO think of something new? I just hope the feet are actually completely silver; that'd be different. And then there's the collectible: Weird, it shoots (I assume) out of their chests? Yet, that does look like it might be fun to shoot. I hope that there actually are spider-things that come out of those balls (which look, again, like the Toa-balls, like Zamors...be CREATIVE LEGO, augh). Oh, and those weapon are neat. Still love that mask. 8/10.

    Vamprah: I really hope this set is female. Ahem. This mask is even freakier than Antroz's. Yayshmor! And um...she has, like, no legs. Anyways, I guess she's four-legged. Interestingly good. I like how her tools are used as wings also, that's a nice NEW idea. Also, a lovely SILVER Takadox-armor-piece. ... Wow, those balls are huge. 8.5/10.

    Chirox: FANGS!!! Better wings!!! ... *sigh* ... I wish LEGO could come up with a better color scheme for black sets than bley and black; they always do that! Now, what's strange about this set is that it looks like his weapons have ball-joints that connect to his arms. Weird. I wonder if those two-toed feet can really keep him steady. 8/10.

    Toa Ignika: Since I'm running out of time I'll just say this: Better than Nocturn.

    Also the canisters are lovely.

  9. -SZ-
    Yeah, weird. So yeah, I'm entry #4, and you can vote for me if you want. Or you can vote for that MOC by Darth Vader, which, as Omi pointed out, looks kinda like a weird bird. There are also plenty of other good MOCs in the poll too, so you're gonna have a tough time.
    Anyway, vote for who you think is the best, not who I think is best.
  10. -SZ-
    It's about 25% done.
    I've learned a lesson while trying to make this MOC: It is nearly impossible to make a large-ish, cute MOC (and that's what I'm trying to do. )
    So yeah, that's my life...which happens to be unhappy at the moment. I wonder why? I seem to be depressed. I need to be happy, I need something that i can get exited about...maybe it'll happen tomorrow.
  11. -SZ-
    So it's that time again, that time to come to my blogy blog place and look at the awesomeness of the Thingamabob's. What do we have this week? Well, I'm not going to tell you, you're going to have to see for yourself...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « A testimony...or whatever you want to call it: 
    "I was fat, no, seriously fat, but then I got Zytokita RMVSP and I lost all my weight! Every single pound*! I feel so enlightened, emphases on 'light'. And with Zytokita RMVSP there are very few side-effects†, I hardly noticed a thing‡. I could even eat all the foods I wanted to¨, and I didn't have to exercise at all˚. This is truly this best thing that I've ever done with my life΅."
    -- Mr. Toolawagga, Toolawaggavile, Toolawagga
    *Results may vary
    †Except nausea, sore back, brain damage, loss of toes, whitened hair, two heads, and death (but rarely)
    ‡Except the side effects
    ¨A strict diet of dried cabbage
    ˚You're kidding, right?
    ΅In my dreams!
    ^Turakii's idea
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