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Status Updates posted by MacGyver

  1. Yes, there is a campaign. So, your response?

  2. Yes, yes I'm back, and better than ever/in black/whatever cool comeback line they always say!

  3. Yo Dan I wuz wondering, could I have instructions for your self-MOC?

  4. Yo.

    Sent you the commish specs on dA.

    Check it out. Now.

  5. You are only 0.5/4 of awesome.

    I think I told you something different now didn't I?

  6. You decreased your own proto? 0_o

  7. You facing UPSR this year?

  8. You have been awarded the "MacGyver Cookie of Awesomeness Award" for having a few things in common with him, namely Bionicle and writing. Along with the Cookie, you also get a five star rating from me.

  9. You have been awarded with the "MacGyver Cookie of Awesomeness Award" because you have two things in common with him, S4G and writing.


  10. You have FRIENDS?!?

    ######, I'm too late.

    :P. Just a joke. Not implying anything

  11. You haven't changed your name to Murdoc or Jack Dalton or Jesse Colton yet.

  12. You mean Billi Joe Armstrong? Yeah, I think Bono's starting to look like him a bit, now that you'd mentioned it.He's definitely growing younger by the minute.

    Could it be magic?

  13. You PM saying what?

  14. You probably wouldn't be able to even pronounce the translated words of Knights of the Old Republic, so don't bother.

  15. You seem to be interested in her

  16. You`re cool.*giggles*

  17. You've got some seriously banner and avvie making skillz there, Everclear, dear.

    Now, would you like some tea?

  18. Your avveh is Sasuke's sharingan eye thingy, right? The Mangekyou or something?

  19. Your banner is seriously waaaay too large. Please resize it.

  20. Your blog has been approved by MacGyver.


  21. Your Malum drawing is awesome.

  22. Your monochrome Tahu sig is awesome....


    Can I steal it?

  23. Your personal statement is totally true XD

  24. Your profile didn't say that you were interested in Bionicle. That is weird.

  25. Your sig scares my kitty and me D=

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