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Status Updates posted by MacGyver

  1. Wherever did Lady Cynthia Corriander Barrington-Smythe ever went?

  2. Based on your name "AgnimonFireDF" I suppose your favorite season of Digimon is the fourth, which is Digimon Frontier?



    Yay I win.

  4. I can make a bomb out of that. Why did you ask?

  5. Soooooo, what about them boy bands?

  6. Y hello Alena. Didn't notice you were here =p

  7. Soooo, I heard you were supposed to be awesome?

  8. Has the sister found her own account?


    How are you doing, by the way, Mazo's Sis?

  9. From your excessive use of "lah" and Chinese slang, I presume you are Chinese yourself?

  10. Just to say, your first name (Tuan) means "Master" in Indonesian and Malay.

    Neat huh?

  11. A good and witty answer, but alas! None of my friends share my interest with art. Perhaps I could just break into your place and steal all your erasers?

  12. O rlly now?

    I don't believe you.

  13. One art-related question to you: How can you identify the quality of a eraser without using it?

  14. Soooooo, how's school for you?

  15. Ignoring your comment.

  16. School starts tomorrow, Miki. And then I'll have less chance to chat with you. What a blow, huh? =(

  17. Thanks for replying in me and Miki's topic, B.C.-san!

  18. Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. I you want to sleep, then go. You can review later, right?

  19. Happy New Year to you too!

    BTW, I has made a comedy! Care to see it?

  20. Ice Toa Tahkuno, Captain of the TPS: We will catch you, you Ravenous Mask Munching fiend, you!

    Air Toa Hakku, Vice Captain of the TPS: And I want my mask back!

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