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Everything posted by (((DARKNESS)))

  1. I speak English and Spanish. Currently learning Russian. It's a fun language!(((D)))
  2. (((DARKNESS)))


    Are you using GIMP or Photoshop?-D-
  3. + :wakeup2: = Tohu drinks coffee?
  4. (((DARKNESS)))

    Bring Back Teal!

    I agree! Bring teal back! Cound me in. Consider yourself counted. -Sumiki
  5. Yes. I remember. How are you?

  6. I really haven't had any publicity lately. But I'm gonna try.
  7. He doesen't. It's just a joke.
  8. WOW. I haven't been called that in a long time.

  9. Nothing much man, HBU? My dog is sucking my toe. Sick man! I know, now he's licking my nose. Weirdness! I know. Wanna check out my art? YOU HAVE ART? Yeah. I gotta go. Bye. See ya.
  10. If you want to be interviewed in me blog blog, just PM me.
  11. (((DARKNESS)))


    I am craving monkeys.
  12. I've decided black and grey is getting kind of old so since my favorite color is blue I'm switching to it. Sprites, banner, and text.
  13. (((DARKNESS)))


    I saw it! It was an awesome movie. I suggest it to all ages!
  14. Dekcatta - That's too bad! :P

  15. (((DARKNESS)))


    Little sloth has an itch See a baby sloth stretch its long leg to get at an itch. » Viral video hit I just found this on Yahoo!. Looks like they have nothing better to report.
  16. I just found a member who's been here 7 years and thought it would look cool as an avatar.

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