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Blog Comments posted by Aeori

  1. Congrats, I thought you were still undecided. Anyway, Strats are quite nice (my friend has a 1999 Stratocaster) and sounds really nice. I know that humbucker pickups have a stronger output but no doubt this would compare very well.


    My parents did the same on my Birthday, they bought me a guitar strap and told me to go down stairs to play guitar (even though I didn't want to), I came down and saw the case open with fake $100 dollar notes. Then I noticed it was custom fit, I looked at the guitar stand and the Mira was there.



  2. Well they say immitation is a form of flattery. The most annoying form if you ask me.


    At the end of 06, I made this really good body design I was really happy with. Then a few days later, a newer member uses my design and says it's his/hers. I let them know that, they then deny it and say it was coincidence.



  3. Well seeing as I am the co-founder of my band, we only plan to allow people to listen (not download) to the whole song. My friend (The drummer) knows everything we need to set up our own website and all that jazz. Then I can sell EP's at my school and he can put a protection code on it.



  4. Actually there is a way to get free and legal music. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention this but Qtrax has advertising companies etc. By downloading music, that company gets advertised. Then they give money to whoever (The artist) got downloaded and so many times etc. So it works out like this:


    Artist = Happy

    Company = Happy

    Customer (You) = Happy


    I recommend it to anyone who loves music but I still prefer the material. Which is why I get the most amount of CD's I can possibly afford.



  5. Just checking for clarification:


    -Is this contest still open?

    -Do you have to live somewhere to enter? (eg. US residents only)

    -Do you make a Makuta already existent or can it be fan-made?

    -If it is already existent, Can it be one not already made? (e.g. Spiriah)

    -Who do I give my entry to?



  6. I'm glad that people support me on this, Tigs I know you don't try to annoy people when you do it without someone's permission it ticks someone off like a clock which you twist the hands yourself. I do hope this settles down before it gets out of hand. A topic about the PBZP line seems like a good Idea, especially for new members.



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