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The White Lady

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Status Updates posted by The White Lady

  1. Drivers ed? - fun stuff :P Relient K has a new CD?! Sweet! Maybe I'll buy it when I get the chance.

  2. I'm doing pretty awesome, I started college a week ago, so it's been fun. How about you?

  3. Hi, Sev! It's been going pretty good - it's been nice to have a break from school for awhile. What's up with you? Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you too!

  4. I know, it has been awhile. Well, I've been crazy busy with school these past few months(which is why I haven't been on Bzp in forever :P). How 'bout you?

  5. Hey! Oh, thanks! haha

    What's been up w/you and your sister lately?

  6. Thanks! Your story really should have been up there too. I'm not just saying that. ;) It deserved at least an honorable mention.

  7. Hi! Thanks! My sister (JG) told me that your Resev's sister. I love your interests by the way - Evanescence, Nicole C. Mullen - they're awesome. I have to agree with you about Hannah Montana - and I have to dance to one of her songs in a show at my school. :P

  8. Thanks, Macku! And congratulations on winning the SSC#4. You definitely deserved it. :)

  9. Thanks, Resev! I'm having a wonderful birthday. :)

  10. Thanks, Turakii! :) I'm glad your mom won the SSC#4. I loved her story. Oh, and your list of favorite bands and singers is the best - Skillet, Relient K, Switchfoot, TobyMac, - they're awesome!

  11. Sorry, I just had to do it. It means 'what's up?' in Spanish. :) German? That's gotta be a lot tougher than Spanish. I only know 'guten tak' (don't know if that's spelled right) in German b/c of Indiana Jones. Well , my dad's part German too.

  12. Hi, Resev. Que tal? :)

  13. Hi Bitil! I see you know my sister, Jedi Gali.

  14. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! And about your last comment, no, I haven't heard about the Trio Show. Are they on TV or the radio?

  15. I only saw TobyMac in concert one time at Winter Jam, but I might be getting backstage passes to see him with my friend in March.

  16. Your welcome ;). Hmm... I like a lot of bands - Zoegirl, Hawk Nelson, Group 1 Crew, BarlowGirl, TobyMac - I could go on but I don't think there's room. :D

  17. Hey! Thanks for your comment. I love your interests. Relient K! :)

    Um... I haven't finished reading all of the Lotr books(I'm on The Two Towers) but my favorite movie is probably RotK.

  18. Oh really? And that's 3 days after my little sister's b-day. lol

  19. Hi, TotRS, I thought that since we're always in contests together and replying in each other topics I might as well add you as my friend ;). Merry Christmas!

  20. Merry Christmas! Since I gave each of your sons different kinds of cookies I'll just give you a variety pack - chocolate mint/cherry & sugar! ;)

  21. Welcome to Bzp and Merry Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas! Here's some chocolate cherry cookies - if you don't like them you can trade with your brothers ;)

  23. Merry Christmas! Here's some sugar cookies - you can trade with Asher or Brutaka's apprentice ;).

  24. I'm saying Merry Christmas to all of my friends and giving them a plate of chocolate mint cookies ;) Hope you like them! Merry Christmas!

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