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Queen of Liars

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Queen of Liars

  1. En troupeau des louves en trompe l'œil des agneaux - Celeste
  2. Aorte nous sommes du même sang - Amenra
  3. From Birth To Grave. From Shadow To Light. - Amenra
  4. Our Lives Will Be Erased by the Shifting Sands of the Desert - Daxma
  5. 3/5 Eh. Never really cared for SoaD, and this song does nothing to remedy that. It's not bad, just... eh.
  6. Instantaneous Transmission of Information - JASSS
  7. Oh my, I just saw Link monsters for the first time, and the new field and extra deck summoning rules. Yikes! The game has changed even more than I thought. Diving back into this is actually kinda exciting ^^
  8. 3/5 The new Trivium songs to actually be excited for are Thrown Into the Fire and The Revanchist. This one's still among the better songs from the rest of the album, but doesn't really do that much for me.
  9. I wish a most happy holiday season upon you all. I am having a great night trying out a slightly new look. Which can totally look festive and jolly for the occasion too.
  10. Okay, after this I decided to treat myself and got some new cards anyway =P I got the Legendary Dragon Decks set, which comes with all those new types of monsters (and not a single piece of instructions). Time to nerd out and learn this game again I guess xD
  11. Et ceux en lesquels ils croyaient - Throane
  12. Ooh, what'd you get? I was looking at some of the newer cards, and I have absolutely no idea how to actually play this game anymore xD I stopped playing around the time Synchro monsters got introduced, and now there's Pendulum monsters, XYZ monsters, all sorts of weird fusion monsters that you don't actually fusion summon but instead need specific spell cards that I don't quite understand... I'm completely lost xD
  13. Oh no way, I just started getting into my Yu-Gi-Oh nostalgia phase too. I guess Duel Links does that, huh? I even almost bought some new cards for the first time in like ten years, but then thought better of it =P Best of luck with your application! I hope the stress eases before too long.
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