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Everything posted by ~Sernakann~

  1. Happy Birthday AM, have a good 18th!
  2. ~Sernakann~

    Iron Man...

    Yeah, Iron Man was probably my fav Marvel movie.
  3. For ever year you have been here on BZPower, you will get one of those spinnies. For the first year, you get a Vahi, second year, a Avohkii, third year, a Huna, forth year, a Norik head, fifth year, a Olmak, and sixth year, a Faxon.
  4. ~Sernakann~


    I thinking about writing an epic, but I need ideas for my characters names. If you give me one, you will get a cookie. This is what I gots so far: Rejal, Toa of Ice Cade, Toa of Fire Varsh, Toa of Gravity Tiro, Toa of Sonics Ryata, Toa of Water Kantaz, Toa of Lightning Grytor, Toa of Iron Still need a name for my Toa of Air though. More names welcome too though (as I'll probably use them for other Toa or other characters).
  5. ~Sernakann~

    Pm Wars

    I once thought about suicide, but don't it man, think of the world without you. BZPower would lose a good member.
  6. *wonders how long people will keep quoting Shine*
  7. Bored too huh? Join the club.
  8. ~Sernakann~


    Six cookies for you!
  9. ~Sernakann~


    Thanks guys! Here's your cookies!
  10. ~Sernakann~


    Thanks BioHero! Those are really good names! Ten cookies for you!
  11. In Soviet Russia, the nonbeliever shuns YOU!
  12. Bored, huh? Join the club.

  13. ~Sernakann~


    Here you go! *hands you two cookies because I ate one*
  14. I'm ready to debut my forth Blog (well, the third time I've destroyed all entries and content blocks), but the Blog's not done. So I'm just listening to the The Ting Tings while I finish it it up. So, uh, whats on your mind people?
  15. It's not he has to read his comments, he probably don't even know his profile HAS a comments section.

  16. ~Sernakann~

    Dang It!

    How long ago did you get your Wii? Because I think Brawl was having problems with older Wii's, but then again, mines older and my Brawl works fine...
  17. The reason theres no comic this month is because Lego sunk all their money on the '09 movie and lots of CGI this year, so theres only gonna be four comics this year, but I agree, they should have done one this month. It can't cost THAT much money to make a comic.
  18. *pokes eyes with fingers and runs away*
  19. ~Sernakann~


    Yeah they should totally make a Bionicle SSB game, with Teridax as the "Master Hand" of the game. But he should have some sort of Magnetism attack.
  20. I don't want Mewtwo back, I like Lucario better. B)
  21. Everyone gotta die someday. Except for me. Muhahahaha!
  22. ~Sernakann~

    2009 Book Info

    So if these younger reader books will probably be short stories instead of main story, will the web stories be the first-half main story? ~S~
  23. Awesome! Sound like this movie is gonna be really good! Can't wait for more news Greg! ~S~
  24. Yup! He's my favorite Spiderman villan!

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