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Everything posted by ~Sernakann~

  1. ~Sernakann~


    Well I hope it's yay.
  2. Why is there a 2 in my Blog title?
  3. ~Sernakann~


    No more tornado warnings! Looks like I'll get to live to annoy you another day. Also, anyone agree that BL10 is the best book in the history of forever?
  4. ~Sernakann~


    Severe tornado warnings where I live. Going to hide in the basement for the next couple of hours......
  5. I'll join. PONIES MUST DIE!!!!!
  6. My Little Pony is taking over BZPower! Almost all the MODs and Admins have fallen to their might! We must fight back! *is taken away by Fizzy and Galaxy for speaking out* SAVE BZPOWER!!!!!
  7. Walking though my back yard and a stepped in a hole, sprained my ankle. Coulda broke it. Anything happen to you today?
  8. Rosalina only opens up if you have Super Mario Galaxy saved on your Wii.
  9. ~Sernakann~

    I Has Bl10!

  10. They probably just went back up to Voya Nui and Axonn got them off the island somehow.
  11. Actually, it was Takua then Kojol then Tahu then Primal then Gali then Ahkmou then Kopaka then Darkness and possibly even Nuju and Lewa. *runs out of breath*
  12. .................how does it taste? WAAAAAAY too fluffy/light. >.< Hm, would thought it tasting like past meals. Oh well.
  13. .................how does it taste?
  14. You heard me. (Can you tell I have nothing to Blog about?)
  15. Nope. The fall killed him. But Guardian still alive I think.....
  16. Yeah, since Feb. I've been taking Gr. 9 math, and I'm still in Gr. 8. So next year I'll be in Gr. 9 while taking Gr. 10 math! I'll be oh so popular (not)!
  17. I don't know, Mocer maybe?
  18. Oh yeah, forgot to say, it's academic math.
  19. It is? Where is it called that? The U.S.?
  20. Did I say fries? I meant fried. Don't stare at a computer screen for seven hours with music blasting in your ears. Just don't. Trust me.
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