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Blog Entries posted by Torhuki

  1. Torhuki
    So Saturday night (I think...) was the Perigee Moon, where the moon is closest to the Earth (The moon has an offset elliptical orbit). I got some sweet pictures that I hope to post soon.
  2. Torhuki
    According to Einstein's theory of Special Relativity. Astronauts have slowed down time a few nanoseconds while in orbit above Earth. By going several thousand miles an hour, their clocks differed by a few nanoseconds than the ones on Earth. Of course, we can't time travel significantly enough yet; we'd have to come close to the speed of light.
    I'm no physicist, so I can't tell you about the importance of mass-energy equivalence or the physics of the fourth dimension, but I can tell you that time travel is possible.
    Good day.
    Yes, I saw Stargate: Continuum. =P
    Nevermind, I'm wrong.
  3. Torhuki
    Edit: I can't believe I forgot to say what I gave to people! Argh, I feel so self-centered now...
    Mom: Me and my brother pooled our resources (By our, I mean mine ) and got her this really nice glass leaf... thing. It's about a foot long, and we got some scented candles (Oh, how she loves those) and some marble bead leaf-shaped things to put in the big leaf. I know it's hard to picture. She liked it though, so we were happy. Dad: My dad has always been hard to buy for, and every year I know what I got him wasn't what he really wanted. This year though, I was happy with what I got him: "Gentlemen, This is a Football," is a hilarious book with quotes from football players and coaches. He was laughing before he opened the book. XD Brother: The Indiana Jones Jungle Duel set. He LOVED it. I'm so glad I got it for him. Niece & Nephew: A rubber truck that makes noise for my nephew, and an ABC Turtle for my neice. Apparently she carries it around everywhere now. Unfortunately, since I hardly had enough money for my immediate family (Besides niece & nephew), I couldn't get much else. I was hoping I could get my best friend something, but I'd already given him $10 for his birthday last month... 
    So I got some really great stuff this year:
    Dwarves' Mine (A bit smaller than I thought, but still awesome. Lots of good pieces. =D ) Indiana Jones Motorcycle Chase (Finally got Indy!) Rebel Trooper Battle Pack (Which is nice, 'cause I already have one. Building my army. =P ) Republic Attack Shuttle (Awesomeness in a box, right there) Rogue Shadow (This one's a lot better than it looks. Nice functions.) Barnes & Noble Girftcard ($25) Lego Star Wars Tee $20 from my Aunt $30 (Thanks Sis!) Candy / Gum in my stocking Pictures to come later. =D 
    Hope you guys are having a great Christmas!
  4. Torhuki
    Just saw the first one again. I really think I should get some kind of surround system now... The battle would've been so much cooler. Now I want the soundtrack, too. =D So yeah. Awesome movie.
    In reference to my last entry; yes, I got the RAS. It's aweshum. =D
    Merry Christmas!
  5. Torhuki
    So I was just reading a review on the Toa Terrain Crawler, and the guy said:

    You'd think that would go without saying...
  6. Torhuki
    I was making a car. It had wheels. Then it had tentacles. Then teeth, and a shell:
    1 :: 2
    Still an idea; I hope to flesh it out later.
    Also, pirates storm the small "beach."
  7. Torhuki
    Yep, the original (Or maybe there was one before this?) Aquanauts / Zone. I think they changed the name or something. Eh, I was too young to care. Or maybe Aquazone was the overall theme, and there were 'Nauts and Stingrays... *Has just done research*

    Sets I got:  
    Recon Ray

    Solo Sub

    Sea Creeper

    Sea Sprint 9 (I got several of these...)

    Shark Scout

    Hydro Search Sub (This was the first "big" set that I ever got, and proudly finished it by myself while being two years under the minimum age. )

    Sets I want:
    There were several that I really wanted when I was little, but these two really stood out to me.
    Stingray Stormer

    Sea Scorpion

  8. Torhuki
    I bought my last Bionicle nearly two years ago, set-line wise. These latest sets... I don't even think I want to MoC with Bionicle anymore. I should sell my Technic. I could make a hefty profit...
    They remind me of Megabloks.
  9. Torhuki
    My reaction to Christmas. Seriously; all the holidays this year have been sneaking up behind me and scaring me. They must not like me... >_>
    5-6 days left, depending on how you count. Can't wait. Whoo.
    Why doesn't Christmas feel special this year?
  10. Torhuki
    I think today got the most hype to be a snow day, as everybody's been talking about it since Wednesday. XD
    1 :: 2 :: 3
    And it's still coming down hard. I think we're supposed to get 4-6 more inches.
    Or more. 8D
  11. Torhuki
    Republished 'cause I did it late at night last time. [/LateAtNight]
    So whenever I get a new song, the album artwork never transfers to my iPod. And several of my albums are not showing up as having artwork on my iPod (It shows up on iTunes). Any ideas as to why? (If this needs more explanation, just say so)
  12. Torhuki
    I think I might give it up. Everything that can go wrong seems to be going wrong with my latest one, and on top of that I have no job to pay for anything. So unless I get a bajillion dollars for Christmas (... Unlikely), I don't think you guys will be seeing anymore movies from me. At least not until I can afford a good mic and parts. And maybe a decent program, 'cause WMM stinks. Bad.
  13. Torhuki
    I must say, I liked this latest episode better than all the previous ones. It was a lot darker, for one. I also liked the fact that there were statues of Grievous in his lair... sorta... The storyline and visual look overall was great, but the characters' reaction time and the dialogue not so much. Also, Grievous' sadistic, sarcastic doctor was awesome. And then he died. >_>
    And Grievous getting chopped in half? And then killing two clones? Hmph.
    And the next episode looks to have a Gundark in it...
  14. Torhuki
    I feel like ripping myself apart because I don't have this guy's kind of money.
    Go ahead. Click it. I encourage you to click Up (Or stay put and look at those awesome ships), or view his Microscale ships. This man is amazing.
    *Goes to build ship that will stink*
  15. Torhuki
    So I'm downloading Autodesk Inventor right now. No, it's not illegally. I'm part of the robotics team at my school, and my teacher gave me downloading rights.
    Yeah, so it's been downloading for over an hour, and it's still at 88%. Crazy. Now this means I get to bug you people with the stuff that I make all the time. It also means I can CAD something up before making it with bricks to give you guys a general idea. Unfortunately, this isn't permanent; I have it for exactly one year. Then it doesn't work or something like that. But I guess by then it'd be obsolete...
  16. Torhuki
    Ahh, Rock Raiders. I've been playing the game a lot since I recently installed it. I'm up to Water Lot of Fun at the moment. Anyway:
    Sets I got:
    Hover Scout:

    Rapid Rider:

    Rock Raiders Minifig pack:

    Granite Grinder (I'm a bit irked that they reused the name for a Power Miners set):

    Loader Dozer:

    Chrome Crusher:

    Rock Raiders HQ:

    I really liked these. They came with a ton of great parts and minifigs, and as a result of getting all these I have a ton of ECs and duplicates of several figures. I have, however, traded some parts to friends over the years (Unfortunately). Now I wanna remake all of these...
    Set that I want most (The only one left ):
    I really wanted this one, but sadly never could afford it (The reason I got so many of the others was because my brother got some and then gave me all of his System pieces)
    Tunnel Transport:

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