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Blog Entries posted by Torhuki

  1. Torhuki
    ... By my dad. But I was practically dealt to lose. My brother basically controlled Asia (Where most of my troops at the beginning were killed) and my dad occupied the Americas. I was forced back into Europe with tattered forces and no routes out. As my dad and my brother increased their armies exponentially, I was left to slowly build up. Eventually my brother invaded the Americas by way of Alaska and severely weakened my dad. However, he retaliated and nearly wiped out my brother's Asian forces in one fell swoop.
    Then his attention came to me. He retook Iceland and practically destroyed my reinforcements. After that, I got a massive surge of troops and was able to retake most of Asia. Then he wiped me out.
    And that is how I lost at Risk last night.
    Also, I need a new blog theme. Ideas?
  2. Torhuki
    Seriously. Huge capital ship. Like three feet long.
    Uh, well, not really. More like two feet. But I really want to make one. Any ideas as to shape and such?
  3. Torhuki
    "How many pilots have you had before me?"
    Based on that one word answer Starkiller gave Juno Eclipse, me and my movie partner DudeNuva will be making a series of movies depicting these pilots tragic stories. I had originally planned this to be one movie, but DN suggested I lengthen it into a series and include him. Of course, we had planned to do a series before, but events conspired...
    Don't expect these up anytime soon. We both have pretty full plates when it comes to movies. But expect them to be GOOD. We'll have double the budget, double the parts, and double the mind.
  4. Torhuki
    ...With my new laptop. The Dell Inspiron 1525... A work of art. I love it so much. The way the keys feel, the texture of the whole thing, the color, the resolution of the screen, the fact that it's light weight, the 4 USB ports, and the built-in webcam with effects...
    I could go on forever. And I'm transferring my files from my mom's computer, so that's why I've not been on much. Then I need WiFi, which I'm hoping to set up tonight... And I'll have pics up soon, but I'm currently sick, so I'm kinda... Groggy. >_>
  5. Torhuki
    ...I got sick! I've got Strep Throat for the first time in my life! Thanks LM! "Today's world can really make me sick..."

    So yeah. Stayed home from school today. Hopefully I'll be back up and running in no time...
  6. Torhuki
    Yep. I ordered the Dell Inspiron 1525 (Ruby Red) from Best Buy (With a wireless mouse, too). It's supposed to come in 6-10 days... Can't wait.
    I'm gonna need WiFi. I'm getting help (Thanks AT) from some friends, so I hope that doesn't go too horribly wrong. And I'm going to have to transfer all of my files from the desktop... Ugh. After that, I won't have to worry about competition with my family.
  7. Torhuki
    So I finally have enough to get a laptop. And I, knowing nothing about Pentium Duo processors, DDR2 667MHz, etc... need help. I've got my eyes on a Dell Inspiron (Ruby Red) from Best Buy. I have limited knowledge, so I compared the one from the Dell website (With my specifications) and the one from Best Buy, and the one from BB came out almost $200 cheaper with more extra stuff than I had origianlly wanted. Let's see... It's got these specs:

    So my question for you laptop experts out there is... Is this any good?
  8. Torhuki
    Suggest! (Think TFU... Maybe...)
    Also, Clone Wars premiers tonight, so I'll post my thoughts when that's over. I might do a review on The Force Unleashed as well.
  9. Torhuki
    So today I've finally got enough saved up to get the game (From chores like lawn mowing, priming the porch railing), when my dad says basically I don't have to pay for it. * So all the extra money is going towards Republic Commando: Infiltration Point. I guess I'll write a review when I get the game and have played it for a while... [/DudeNuvacarboncopy]

    Also, I got two new songs: Crazy For This Girl by Evan and Jaron, and Flood by Jars of Clay. Probably my two favorites right now.
    So who likes my current avatar/banner combination? I'm not sure I do...


    *I don't want you to think me spoiled, and the reason is quite long, so let's just say he's repaying me... Sorta.
  10. Torhuki
    Is one of the coolest tracks from the movie. That, and Enter Lord Vader. Of course, these are the ones that have that underlying coolnes, because we all know Battle of the Heroes is one of the best.
    Also, I have a concept plan for a Cato Neimoidia citadel set I'd use in one of my movies. Maybe I'll scan it...
  11. Torhuki
    So this was my first hand-colored photogram for Photography class. I show it to my teacher, she gives me an A, then says "3 extra credit points!"

    Oh, whoever can guess all the parts I used gets something special.*


    *Not really
  12. Torhuki
    There will be gates on the left side in the final product. I have them on the right, but obviously it's hard to tell...
    Plus, I still need about $50 worth of plant life. So it'll get a lot better.
  13. Torhuki
    ...A pirates' life for me! Arrr! Today, as many 'O ye know is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Be sure to greet all yer friends with a hefty "Arrr!", or a bellowing "Yo ho!" Spread the th' news! Haul on th' main braces! Hoist th' anchor!

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