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Blog Entries posted by Torhuki

  1. Torhuki
    Well, I was going to do a fake 'I'm leaving BZP' thing, but too many people are doing it, so it wouldn't of seemed as real. Ah well.
    Anyway, Saturday I went to this awesome event called Brick Bash, at which place I met the BZP member BioBen. He's the one who makes the really tall MoCs. There was some really nice things there, so if you wanna see, go here: Brick Bash
    I've finished the M v. M drawing, but I don't have access to a scanner. I'll take a pic I guess, but in the meantime, you guys can vote. Po, or Teebert?
    I'm not at home, so I can't work on the stop-motion movie I've been working on. However, I'm writing a script for a new one. It'll be pirate themed, which should open up some interesting possibilities...
    I'll be entering BBC 49 if it's not an April Fool's joke. I've got quite a few black, grey, and white pieces, so it should be pretty fun.
    ~Cap'n (Yes, I got my name changed again )
    Oh, and 48 hour days would RULE.
  2. Torhuki
    So I'll be leaving tomorrow at 2:00 PM for a trip to Cleveland Ohio. It'll be a Robotics competition, and it's my first one. I hope we do good; I was told our programmers didn't program the robot right last time. I'll be back late Saturday night, so no BZP or anything. I did start my movie, ship, and made a MoC! it took me about an hour. Here's the topic: Topic
    So it'll be 4 days with no computer access, I think. My friend says he's bringing his laptop (I think), but I don't know if the hotel will have Wi-Fi. So until then, goodbye!
  3. Torhuki
    I need to get started on my movie. And I need to make a ship for this thing called Brick Bash in Ann Arbor. it's where you get to display your Lego creations and work on group Lego projects. I've never been there before, but it sounds really cool. I also need to get working on a belated BBC: 48 entry. I can't enter of course, but it's a really cool idea that I don't want to go to waste.
    Track is killing me...
  4. Torhuki
    Seriously; 15 is quite a lot.
    Anyway, thanks all you guys for wishing me a Happy Birthday. It was great. Here's what I've got so far:
    Solek iPod Cassette Converter (Which is a tape with a plug that you put in the car and it plays your iPod music) $15 iTunes Gift Card (Which I used to get the Star Wars Episode VI soundtrack) A piece of gum ( ) $25+$40 (I'll probably get a Star Wars Lego or the Transformers video game) EDIT: More stuffs! An awesome card that plays the Star Wars theme song when you open it (I'll have to make a video of that) $15 in Borders Bucks (Which I used to get Star Wars: Revelation and Allegiance) $25 "Certificate" to use to buy Lego parts from Bricklink Race for the Mask of Life playset $5 So I hope to get more Bionicles, but I'll have to wait and see.
  5. Torhuki
    You really can't define cool. You just can't. Sure, you can walk around all cool-like and wear awesome sunglasses, or slap a few words on it and call it a definition, but that's not what "cool" is. That's what cool needs. What cool really is... is a different way of looking at things. Sure, you can be cool and not be completely self-centered, but that's usually what it is. Being cool means you either make your way of doing things, or you give up your way to be like evryone else. So people will like you more. Although being cool is different for everyone, generally this is what it consists of. Anyway, that's my two cents.
    Oh, and happy Ides of March Day or whatever. There's a really funny Foxtrot cartoon about today, but I can't find it.
  6. Torhuki
    I was going to enter BBC 48, but I just didn't have the time. Oh well. I think I would've liked this one, too. I guess next time. I had a really good plan for it in my head, too.
  7. Torhuki
    Yay! Curse me for my lazy procrastination, but it's here! I've counted the votes; sorry Laughin' Man. But congrats to Turakii!

    Final Score-- Laughin' Man: 1
    Turakii: 4

    So I'm no Leonardo. Shoot me. I like the way LM came out, but I apparently can't draw people up close. Sorry Turakii! Now I can get started on the next one, Teebert vs. ~Po~!
  8. Torhuki
    Well, some cable guy came over to "fix" our internet. Next day: No internet, cable, or phone service. He did something, I'm telling ya... Oh well. This is coming from the library by the way, otherwise I would've scanned the latest M vs. M drawing. Someone else is supposed to come to fix the cable, internet, and phone tomorrow, though. I told my mom not to get the bundle, but nooo...
  9. Torhuki
    Just to let you guys know, I'm almost done with the last drawing. Then we can start a new match. I know this is going way too slow...
    Also, I updated the MvM content block.
    Also also, does anybody play Pirates of the Caribbean Online? I just started, and so far every name I type in gets rejected.
  10. Torhuki
    We went to the planetarium in Ann Arbor yesterday with my friends to see a presentation on black holes. It was really cool, made so by Liam Neeson narrating it. He even made a Star Wars reference by saying: "Let's take a trip to the dark side of our galaxy." It was awesome. Plus Thomas Lucas directed it, so that's probably why. There was some terminology I recognized, thanks to Stargate: Worm hole, event horizon, singularity, etc. The effects were good too. By the way, does anybody live in Chelsea? I'd like to know if you go to my high school. Or my brother's middle school.
  11. Torhuki
    I bought a song off of iTunes, but when I try to convert the file so I can make a video, it says I can't. It's in .m4p format, and the program I use doesn't suport it. Can someone help?
    Also, I'm trying to get my Wi-Fi back up, but I keep getting a 'Limited or no connectivity' message. Can someone please help?
  12. Torhuki
    Do you want Member vs. Member to die a horrible and painful death? Unless... No. You wouldn't.
    I only have one vote so far. C'mon guys...
  13. Torhuki
    Yoda: Gone over to the Dark Side, Torhuki has. A grave loss, this is.
    Torhuki: Hehehe...
    Yoda: A chance to redeem himself, he still has.
    Torhuki: No! You little green thing! The Dark Side is cool! I mean, look what I can do!

    Yoda: Strong, the lure of the Dark Side is. Resist it, you must.
    Torhuki: No! I'll never join you!
    Yoda: *Sigh* Need help, I do. Subdue Torhuki, you must.
    Torhuki: Wha--?
  14. Torhuki
    I'm thining about doing a series of drawings in which the Bionicle reincarnations of members fight each other. Sound cool? Maybe not. I'll wait for feedback to decide.
    Also, I'm going to make a lego scene where there's an assassin who is sent to kill a specified minifig. I'll take pictures. Maybe you guys can vote on that, too.
    And I got Lego Star Wars III for the DS! I'm 15.8% done so far.
  15. Torhuki
    Ok, I seriously need to do this.
    So I'm depressed. Majorly depressed. And I don't know why. It's really tearing me up inside. Every waking moment I have is composed of me thinking about how depressed I am. I can't shake it. It won't let go of me. I may have been nice on the forums, but for the past two weeks it's been like this. I almost felt like crying once. It could be one of a couple of things: 1) Lack of sleep 2) School (It's third quarter; what do you expect? This is when you start hating school all over again.) 3) My Grades (They're not too hot ) So I really have no idea why this is happening.
    -Popular Kids and Why They're Dumb-
    I don't mean to stereotype anyone, this is just a rant about what I've seen at my school.
    So we're raising our hands in Geometry to answer questions on the homework, when this popluar kid raises his. He gets the question completely wrong, and all his friends complain. Then, and equally unpopluar kid raises his, and gets the question wrong too. Then all the popular kids laugh and ridicule him and ask how he got that stupid answer. It's really not fair. I've had it happen to me before. It's not fun. So if any of you guys out there do this, please stop; it's not some form of entertainment.[/Rant]
    -Member vs. Member-
    Alrighty, I've counted the votes and I'm starting on the final drawing for the first match. Whoo! (This is going way slower than expected) Thanks for voting!
    I have a new topic of Jaller Inika Mahri. It's in the General Art forum; I'm too lazy to link to it. And the colored version is coming soon, so keep watching.
    -Lego Stop-Motion-
    I'm working on a new Lego stop-motion (Star Wars). Some of you may know this; it's in my newly updated profile interests list. Which is way longer, by the way.
    Also, I missed a chance at school. I should've taken it...
    I'm glad I got this out of my system. I think I'm gonna go sit in a corner now...
  16. Torhuki
    Happy Valentines Day everyone!
    So it's been weird at school lately. We took a match maker quiz and we could buy the results for $2, with 16 results for your grade, and 16 for the other ones. When I got mine, I have to say I was shocked. I got the quietest girls in my grade, and some of the most talkative. My first two were also people I didn't know. So that was kinda akward. Here's something scary: Towards the end of the day, I bit into a heart shaped lollipop, and it split in half. Right down the center. I hope that doesn't mean anything.
    And woot four day weekend.
  17. Torhuki
    Yoda: Taken over this blog, I have. Change; needed it is. To bland. To full of hate... The Dark Side...
    Torhuki: Yoda! What are you doing here? This is my blog! You can't have it!
    Yoda: A Jedi Master I am. Master of the whole Order, too. Get in my way you will not. *Waves hand*
    Torhuki: Get in your way I will not... Wha-- Hey!
    Yoda: Hehehehe! Weak-minded, you are. Unfit to rule this blog, you are.
    Torhuki: I created it! In fact, if it wasn't for George Lucas you wouldn't exi--
    Yoda: Quiet! Quiet you shall be! To speak of this, you are not allowed.
    Torhuki: But--
    Yoda: Hmph!
    Torhuki: But--
    Yoda: Hmph!
    Torhuki: Fine. You can have my blog for a while. As long as you don't trash the place.
    Yoda: Weeeee heeheeehee! You, I thank. Take care of this blog, I will. *crashing sounds* *even more crashing sounds*
    Torhuki: Oh great...
  18. Torhuki
    I got the iYoda! Yay! It's like an iPod, but it's small, green, and has a quote of the famous Jedi Master on the back. In other words, it's an engraved green Nano. It's sweet. Here's the pictures:




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