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Blog Entries posted by Torhuki

  1. Torhuki
    Yeah, "Oh boy! He's thinking!"
    After getting LEGO Indiana Jones for PS2, which is awesome so far, and seeing Indy 4, I've had a thought.
    LEGO Indiana Jones movie. Obviously not yet, since I still need around $200+ for my current movie. And after that I'm thinking about getting a laptop, but I'm not sure. It'd have to be cheap enough that I could buy it within the year (Next year), but durable enough for my movie effects work. I'll have to do some research.
    But anyway, I might end up buying some sets just because by the time I get finished with this one, the sets won't be out anymore and the prices will be super high. But I really have no idea when that'll be.
  2. Torhuki
    Yep. 7 years ago. It's almost hard to believe. I was living in New York when it happened... I'd been to the top before; a few years before 9/11. When they fell, you could see the smoke enveloping Manhattan from where we were. It was crazy.
    I've been watching a lot of stuff on terrorism and 9/11 recently, especially in my World History: 21st Century Issues class.
    And I have a really cool idea. For the 8th anniversary of 9/11/01, I'm going to create the World Trade Center out of LEGO. I've already got a really good idea in mind. I'm planning for it to be around 4-5 feet tall. I haven't decided if I'm going to include the fire and smoke, though. Some people might consider that offensive and disrespectful, but I'm really not sure. I might make up a blueprint of it sometime.
    So anyway...
    Remember 9/11
  3. Torhuki
    Because I just whooped my brother at table air hockey four times in a row. We were at Mini golf place (Which I lost at), and then we went into the mini-arcade. The first game he played so hard my arm is STILL aching. Then he kinda broke down and I beat him three more times. It ws fun though. He got close to beating me several times.
    In other news, my shipment arrived. 8D I built a temporary bunker/outpost with the parts I have here, and I think it came out great. I haven't put the doors in yet because I'm still in the development stages of it. So be waiting for the movie this'll be in!
    And sorry about the picture quality; I can't find my camera, so I had to use my dad's, which I'm unfamiliar with.
  4. Torhuki
    Well, I just saw the Clone Wars.
    It stinked and it wasn't worth it. No where near as good as the sets that it inspired. The dialogue and voice acting was horrible, and the story could use some work. I think it was geared towards the younger generation, as in 8 year olds. >_> The movements of the characters were too swift during battle and too slow and sluggish during respites. And one of the main problems was they were trying to hook the little kids. They tried to explain a lot of Star Wars terms and concepts by being overly obvious, which makes for a horrible movie in the eyes of an experienced movie-watcher.
    Plus, Rex was bald. And there was another Clone who had two mohawks. They actually used rock music during a battle, and cursed once. I was appalled at both.
    (Highlight for "spoilers")
    In all? I desperately hope the TV series is better than this... this... taint on Star Wars.

  5. Torhuki
    ...In my dream that I had last last last night (Wish I'd had time to post it then..). I some how went into hibernation for 200 years, and when I woke up I was surrounded by three black armor-clad figures. They looked like Clone Commandos, sorta. Apparently they had the personas of Delta Squad, except Boss died... some how. So I became a "member" of their group. They were travelling all over the place. Oh yeah, and snow was all over the place; even in the buildings. They had a sort of transportation thingy... like the Mahri sub thing. So then something's about to happen, and they're about to do something the wrong way, when I tell them they're doing something wrong, and they say shut it, basically. Then I tell them I'm 215 years old, listen to me.
    ...Yeah. I know. Very weird. But it stuck more than any other dream I've ever had. And there's more, but I forgot. <=D
  6. Torhuki
    ...The beginnings of my new movie.
    And that means I'm now in debt. I'm never ordering from him again.
  7. Torhuki
    So yeah. I've been back from Chicago since Tuesday, and camping since Friday, and up until now... I've been busy. *coughpiratesofthecaribbeanonlinecough*
    Okay, so Day 1, AKA last Sunday, we went to church services, then got on the road. It's a four hour trip. I had my iPod, thankfully. So we got to our good friends' house where we'd be staying the night. Very nice people; two daughters, 1 and 3. So cute.
    Day 2 is the best. We got up, ate, and went towards downtown Chicago. When we got to the Lego Discovery Center, there was a HUGE line (<-- Yes, that's a link). But by the time we parked (The other side of the parking lot. >_>) the line was almost nonexistant. And since we had e-tickets or something, we got to skip the line, so it didn't matter.
    We got in and it was AWESOME. A GIGANTIC face of Albert Einstein dominated the opening room. As well as some general-looking guy. So we got in, and the first exhibit to see was Miniland. Which is basically downtown Chicago.
    It was so cooool... I'll just give you a link to the gallery; I took too many pictures. But I will highlight some awesome ones for you:

    I think this is the water tower
    Da beach, and a super-white finger
    Playground XD
    Baseball Park
    We actually walked by this several times
    Glass Building?
    The end of the dock
    The rest you can see in the gallery. And sory about some of the picture quality; it shifted from night to day every few minutes.
    Next is the Jungle Expedition. Which was pretty cool. I won't link to any pics from that. Basically it was a walkway through the jungle. I will tell you that there's a lifesize Indy in there, though.
    After that, we came into this opening that had a big line for the dragon ride. There was Batman (Sorry 'bout yer head), Harry Potter, Hagrid, Darth Vader, R2-D2, and this guy (Don't ask me what that kid is doing, I have no idea).
    The ride itself was okay. We couldn't take pictures, and I won't spoil it for anybody else who's going. I'll tell you this: It's not a roller coaster.
    Then we went upstairs. There was a lion that had a hollowed out back that you could put your head in; we did that a few times. Then there was the Cafe, but we didn't go there until last. The first thing we did was get in line for the Lego Factory. It was geared towards littler kids, with "Professor Brick-a-Brack" talking in a high voice. XD I did get this out of it: Whoo!
    Right next to that was the Spellbreaker 4D movie. Posters: Kingly, Swordly, and Wizardly. The wait was about 15 minutes (>_>), but the movie was amazing. They gave you 4D glasses, and they used wind, water, flashing lights, and "snow" to help the movie.
    So after that, we went to the Cafe, got some food, ate, and then I went around trying to build a car for their test ramps. Except all the little kids only took several wheels and an axle and stuck 'em together, so there were none left for me.
    Overview of the Cafe (You can see the ramps towards the left).
    Then we went to the "store". More like puny giftshop. They had Pick-a-Brick for $28 a pound! That's crazy! So I didn't get any there. They also had a few sets, but they didn't have much in the ways of selection. Like Rockoh (?) and some Mars Mission stuff. And some shirts.
    THEN, we went to the Store.
    Pure awesomeness. The first thing that really grabs your eye is the lifesize Tahu Mata. Then, as you delve deeper into this almost-fantasy, you find a parrot. And an owl. Here's HALF of the Bionicle section. General Grevious and the Millenium Falcon!
    The Pick-A-Brick, of which I bought two of the large canisters. Here's all the pieces I got: Lego Store Purchases - A total of about 1360+ pieces for only $30 - I also got FOUR green baseplates (32 x 32) for only $20. THAT'S WHAT WE CALL A DEAL
    So that's it! I'd have camping pictures, but my camera ran out of charge before I could take any.
  8. Torhuki
    Yep. I'll be going to Chicago today after church services, and then camping straight from that on Tuesday till Friday. While in Chicago, we're going to the Lego Discovery Center and the Lego Store. I'm so glad I have a bunch of money saved up... Does anyone know if stuff is cheaper at the Store?
    Anyway, that means I'll not be on BZP, or the internet for that matter, at all. So until next time...
  9. Torhuki
    Okay, so there's this thing at my library, the "Summer Reading Program", where you read a certain amount of pages (For teens, it's every 500 pages) an you get these little slips that you put your name on in jars of varying prizes. At the end of the program, they draw from the jars to see who one each prize.
    I got the PSP. =D
    So later that day we went to Gamestop and I got Battlefront: Renegade Squadron. It's awesome. I already beat Campaign mode, and that's without a memory stick. In several ways, it's better than BF II. In others, not so much:
    Awesome stuff:
    You get to customize your character very well. Including colors. And then all you teammates get the colors you specified Also, the opposing team can customize themselves, so that makes for some interesting gameplay You get to customize your weapons, armor, head, and you get to choose your own emblem thingy Tons of new space battle stuff... Camera lock, new ships (Including B-Wing and TIE Defender, which is AWESOME), and one of the best things: You can become heroes in space and when you do, you get their ships. Like Slave I. 8D More stuff that I don't feel like writing now... Not Awesome StuffHeroes on land are hard to control No vibration Other stuffs.... I'm tired... *snores* ...But I got a PSP. =D 
  10. Torhuki
    It's been tough. Especially when you've got six billion different ideas swirling inside your head and you can only do one and it takes too long to write the script for and by the time you've finished you're not interested in it anymore but you're interested in another idea you have but you still have to film the one you made first and you have to order all the parts for the next one and then your moviemaking friend via IM tells you that the script is all wrong and you have to re-write it and you realize he's right so you're about to do that but first you have to finish filming the first one that you currently hate now and you realize you may or may not run out of money for the next movie that you really want to do now.
    Yeah. I'm, in a rut. <_>
    -Tor: Exasperated Filmmaker
    Also, ice blue and no font. And bolded signoff. Huh...
  11. Torhuki
    Yesh, I finally got pics up.
    AT-TE Review
    Front: Not bad. I like how it has four blasters and that the cockpit has some dark red. However, I'd prefer the trans-green from the old one to the dark glass on this one. The hidden cannons idea is also quite nice. When you pull up that flap, it pushes on the launching mechanism, firing the missle. The way the cockpit has a chair thingy is also sweet.
    Sides: I like the sides. They're well armored, except near the middles legs, and that's because those can pivot. The disks on all the legs are awesome. However, the back part doesn't look good at all, what with that piece hanging out.
    Back: Like I said before, the back isn't so great. The two turrets kinda mess up the flow and the way the back part hangs out is horrible.
    Legs: They're okay. They could stand to be filled in a bit more, but other then that hole, they're fine. The actual feet are pretty sweet though.
    Cannon: I love the cannon. It's long, poseable, and just plain awesome. My only problem with it is that the gunner is too far away from the "controls" (There isn't really any control panel).
    Front Seats/Inside: The inside is blech. There are holes everywhere, and I don't see why they'd give you so many seats when it only comes with two Clones. Behind the seats, though, is some kind of storage box.
    Back Seats: I pulled out the platform that holds the seats so you could see 'em better. As you can see, it has holders for four guns and four Clones. That puts the seat number at 7, including the driver and not including the gunner. I <3 Rotta. =P
    There's this one thing that I don't know what it's for. It apparently can go up or down, and is sturdy enough to hold up the whole thing when I pick it up.
    STAP: It's not that bad. Simple, and I like the colors.
    Here are the characters.
    Here's the gallery. You can see the WIP pics and Rex with his accessories. He comes with two flashlight things, a visor, and two rangefinders.
    And no, I didn't put the stickers on. I'll probably use the pieces later on...
    Overall, this is worth every penny of that $90.
    So that's it. If you guys want more pics or something, just tell me. I'm going to TRU tomorrow and I'm probably going to pick up the HSP.
  12. Torhuki
    I gots the new AT-TE!

    I found it at Target tonight. It was $90 USD, and it's worth every penny. =D
    Unfortunately, that leaves me broke for the time being. But I've got $80+ coming to me, so my movie budget is saved. =P
    I haven't even put it together, so I'll post pics tomorrow. Right now, though, here's Rex. Sorry for the quality. =/
  13. Torhuki
    I ask again, 'cuz I don't think too many people saw it the first time.
    Yeah, I'm falling into the fad of blog contests.
    If people are willing to join. It'll be Lego Star Wars, and I'm thinking something like build something Sith-related. Maybe. It could change if I get enough people that want to.
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