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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Torhuki

  1. Welcome to the club! Members of it are you and me. :lol: But seriously, I know how you feel; I only have a few comments in my blog too. I don't think it's you necessarily, or your topics, it's relative unpopularity. Mabye that's not the right word.......mabye.....unknowningness? OK, that's not the point, but you see what I'm saying? I'm not that popular, because I havn't been here that long. Also, a lot of it has to do with your reputation. If you have a reputation for criticizing other peoples work(I'm not trying to imply anything), then you won't be too popular. So that might be the reason. It could be something else though, I don't know you very well. Aargh! I just demonstrated your unpopularity! Well, I'm relativly new, so it's expected. Hope I helped!

    EDIT:I just noticed you have content blocks

    on both sides of your blog. Just to let you know,

    it will cut off long comments like mine unless you

    have them on one side. So if you want to read my

    comment, you should do that ;)


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