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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. It was all true. Glad to hear I've done my job well. :D

  2. You made another epic?! Boy, we haven't chatted in a while. *Goes to review*

  3. Yep! Just had my burfday, why?

  4. :-( Tobi's birthday was forgotten?

    RM wishes Tobi a good one, if not belated!

  5. Thanks for the compliments1 And seriously, I'll finished the other chaps sometime this week, otherwise I get fired. :P

  6. I've reviewed your epic fro the Epic Critics Club, more chap reviews up soon! :D

  7. Haven't set up the internet yet, when I do I'll let you know.

    h, and I just got Uncharted and Force Unleashed for birthday presents. :D

  8. Hey,where'd you find out the cake is a lie?! :P

  9. Yep, Terra! :P I got Lord o' the Rings Conquest. :D

  10. Congrats on the spinny! Noticed your post. :P

  11. By the way, I can review Forsaken, if you want me to.

  12. Thanks a lot! Yep, changed my name a while ago. :D You like this one or Nightfall better?

  13. Aw, thanks for the complement in Battle for Iconox's review. :P

  14. I posted again in it, something around page 19. :P

  15. I took your advice to logout before the blackout. That was my first logout in at least two years. Fortunately, my account wasn't eaten. :P

  16. Haha, it's fine, thanks a lot! Haven't seen you in a while, so congrats on anything you got while I missed it! :P

  17. You're wanted in Reality RPG.

  18. Wait, you don't know my name, but I'm 5/5? :P

  19. You've been added to MH&HB!

  20. Congrats on the first spinny! By the way, brought you up to 3 stars. :P

  21. *Continuing from last comment, again* :P

    ...hout realizing it.

    See you on the forums!

  22. *Continuing last comment*

    ...ou need any elp!

    P.S. Plan on getting tons of PMs and comments welcoming you, and also, there are some bullies on BZP who like to make fun of or abuse newbies. 1. Don't listen to them, they're wrong, and 2. Don't get them confused with normal members who are trying to help you, they're friendly but may accidetally bully you wit

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